Miranda Ashdove

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New Sport Request: Portal ball
4/21/2016 11:18am

Okay, thanks

Alright it should be set soon. I'm going to hold team tryouts in gym 46, the one across from the 3d plasmic energy printing lab. If you want to talk I'll be there tidying up the black matter waste that seems to grow like mold.

New Sport Request: Portal ball
4/22/2016 2:21pm

@Bill the Axe no i haven't. How do I contact them?

New Sport Request: Portal ball
4/22/2016 3:13pm

@Bill the Axe I work with demons, satanic high is no problem. I think satanic high would be a worthy opponent, although they don't stand a chance against us. I'll visit them now. I should be back in a few minutes if the time warping and teleportation goes alright. i got a pass to use the machine during a school day so I'll use that.

New Sport Request: Portal ball
4/22/2016 4:32pm

You don't need to be good. If you're a quick thinker with basic telepathic skills you can join easily!

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The Alteration Society
4/24/2016 1:33pm

Guys I can apply removal runes to it if needed. Come see me at dorm 13656. Just don't disturb the demon outside, it won't bite ('though it may spit some venom)

The Alteration Society
5/2/2016 9:03am

Well, I warned you.
See me in gym 87 to get your tags numbed. I can make them frozen and sluggish for up to a day to slow the consumption rate.
-Mirana Ashdove

The Alteration Society
5/2/2016 4:29pm

Anyway I can help? @xiirth I can maybe put runes of frosting on your cakes to enhance their power, if you want!

The Alteration Society
5/3/2016 5:39am

@xiirth I left some hardened frosting runes in a bag at your dorm. The purple ones that look like an eye with horns will amplify the power of the cakes, red ones that look like water drops with a triangle in them will increase the effectiveness of them, and yellow ones that look like a line with a star in the middle will improve the flavor since the other runes are kinda bitter tasting, so make sure there is a yellow rune on each cake with a purple or red rune.
PS: place the runes on the cake, then cover them with normal frosting. DO NOT directly eat them since not only do they taste bad, they also can make any powers you have go a bit wacky for a day or two. I learned that the hard way and it took a while to get the demons back to the underworld. Oh well :P

Carnivorous watermelon/Banana hybrids for adoption
5/3/2016 5:49am

I'll take one! I'll name him Rex. :)

Question of the Month: What is this site?
5/3/2016 5:54am

Question asked by @Charlie is: What is this site?

This site is the official site of Psychic High School! It's where students like me can post our online journals and talk to friends about classes and clubs, ect. I see you made an account so you must be a student here. Since I haven't seen you around campus I'm guessing either you are one of the new students who haven't found a school portal, or that you are here but you have strong cloaking powers. Either way, welcome!

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