Our History

Psychic High School was founded in Japan in 1893 as Psychic High School Girls of Japan, in response to the sudden rise in the number of births of "fox children," known for their uncanny abilities.

Devastation in the wake of the Minds Conflict, and subsequent reconstruction.

The School maintained a low profile until the Minds Conflict of 1928 when the Psychic Tongs of Hong Kong attempted to expand their influence to Japan. The senior and graduate students of the school were instrumental in ending the Conflict and in the reconstruction of the extensive damage left in its wake.

Psyhigh combines the best in traditional, high-tech, and occasionally Satanic educational principles.

Today, schools are co-educational and exist worldwide, from Anantapur to Zaporizhzhia. We offer not only the finest in traditional psychic instruction, but also access to technologies not found outside the most secret government laboraties. Our students enjoy field trips and summer sessions in both the past and the future, and in a number of different dimensions. They graduate to become heads of state, celebrity chefs, secret agents, cowboys, and pet store owners.

Isn't it time you thought about becoming a student? It's easy! Find out more here.

Carmella Baker successfully pilots the first Egg Ship back to 1929.

The Vernal Equinox Celebration is one of the most spirited events of the year.

Back to School

Calling all fall semester students! Whether you're brand new to school or still can't quite seem to graduate, share something about yourself and really give them something to whisper about in the lunch room. Introduce yourself here.

Club of Clubs Contest

Psychic kids love clubs! If you already have a favorite or are starting your own from scratch, tell us all about it and you'll be entered to win a freshly laundered Psyhigh Mandatory P.E. Shirt! Tell us about your club here.

Student Store

Enjoy PSYCHO SLASHED PRICES at the Psyhigh Student Store. Men's shirts $20. Women's just $19! Gym towels and more—everything priced to move telekinetically. Visit the store today.


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