Okay, I'm right outside your dorm, @
Georg Potookig. I've left my notebook in my room for obvious reasons, but I have a tape recorder so I can update it later (at least, if I remember). If the situation gets dire, I have a pack of chalk and a book of protection runes. I mean, it would help if I knew how to use them, but improvisation is key!
I stopped by the library (well, the place according to my notebook that was the library) to grab a book to act as a control, but I asked the librarian about any other books with unusual effects. Apart from dead silence as the telepathic message was communicated to my brain, learning and acquiring information seems to be the main side effect, with any books with harmful effects usually kept separately from the main collection.
The main plan of action could be to take note of any changes that have happened in your room, before finding a controlled environment to compare the effects of the Self-Help book and our control. I must say this now, every fifteen minutes you should tell me who you are and why I’m here. The tape recorder helps, but I don’t want to rewind it and miss anything important.
Don’t worry about your problems; let your problems worry about you!
Georg Potookig, are you sure the curdling is just limited to food? From what the smudged pen marks on my arms are saying, last night (while I was looking for the missing pages in my notebook), I found page 164 about 2 feet from your door. This doesn not seem worrying, apart from the fact that it was covered in grey mouldy patches and began crumbling away as I touched it. Thankfully, I was able to rewrite the information into my journal, but the large pile of dust is both unsightly and worrying.
Where did you find that Self-Help book? If you can't return it, perhaps we could have a look at the effects of the exposure to it? Does anyone else have copies of this book, or has Georg found a limited-edition book of doom? I'm no good with any of this psychic stuff, but I appreciate the value of the scientific method and analytical collection of information!
(Although, I'm a bit worried to go near your dorm again. Page 164 had a lucky escape.)