Crystal Rosethorn

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shorting out
8/28/2016 10:45am

Does anyone have plans to escape? Realities taste nasty and so i am STARVING over here! At least ONE blueberry croissant with raspberry jelly,that's all i ask! and i am getting weird stares from texting,so if someone on here please tell me plans of escape soon that would be great...oh and my spell book is in my magic room on the top shelf 8th book...all the others are traps,b/c see all of them look exactly the same with no title on the side so ya,your welcome! Please friends im begging you my legs are tired and sore...but they are soon going to promote me to bell ringer since the other guy fell...HELP!

shorting out
8/28/2016 12:39pm

Thank you...and i have a spell that works everyday...hehe i used it every once in a while to skip class...anyways it's on page 25 of my spell book,should be easy to find. And thanks for the treat,i could of done with just toast but thanks...oh no time to go ring the bell(they promoted me!) If i don't ring it,i think they are planning on throwing me off or somethin...anyways have fun

shorting out
8/28/2016 7:46pm

Oh and a little side note: You can't turn jelly invisible. Because of the substance and the way it's...built i guess,but thanks for the croissant! Man i miss my ghosts and my magic room...and you girls to. Sniff. oh and i got so bored i finished broom surfer on the phone so ya...great phone service up here in the bell tower,and such a pretty view...i will somehow have to figure out a way to get you guys up here sometime...and please get me out of here!

shorting out
8/29/2016 8:34am

The bell exploded...and i needed stitches in my leg since i had a piece of bell stuck in my leg,but now back to normal! Sigh. Anyways the blurry part was the whole thing exploding and all the realities being returned to their realities? Anyways ya,goodbye until the next story!

8/29/2016 12:34pm


Girls so yesterday i was trying to find my magic book which for some reason was downstairs in the basement in the Forbidden room.Reason why i knew where it was: If my magic book isn't on it's shelf it likes to wander.... So anyways i went in there and there i saw a big black monster with 5 eyes and like 20 legs and 2 mouth and 3 heads! It looked like it was made out of tar or some gooey stuff and it HAD MY MAGIC BOOK AND A WAND! Then it ran out the door while i stood there dumbfounded. Oops. Ehrr girls get your powers ready this may be another adventure for us!

8/29/2016 12:53pm

Ok my friends,We have-inster drumroll here- A NEW ADVENTURE! I was looking for my magic book and as you girls know i have been looking for it for weeks and have looked everywhere on campus even the ruins of the tower! Except the Forbidden Room down in the basement. I went down there yesterday and uhm there was a monster down there covered in black fur with a scaly ugly looking tale,and 2 heads,20 eyes,and 6 legs and it was holding my magic book and a wand! And then it ran out the door as i stood there,dumbfounded. Anyways i followed its trail and it went into my magic room STOLE half of the stuff and i'm pretty sure it is at the tower....Man i hope the princaple doesn't find out or else i am in SO much trouble!

8/29/2016 4:35pm

@Luna,@crystal five,and @Bella...any signs of a magic monster? Anyways i'm doing research in the library and...hold up does anyone else smell a very acidic old smell? With a hint of rotten...I have noticed it everywhere in the school.Hmm.Weird. Anyways as I was saying,I am doing research in the library and i can't find anything YET. But i may need help i can't go through over 20 books in one day! I have sent my friends a letter of warning about the monster and the principal an apology letter and now i have lunch duty for a month!

8/30/2016 5:24am

Ehrr..@Luna,you may or may not have noticed that this monster has taken housing in your room. I have tried to coax him out with everything(including the newest wand!),push him,pull him, even pick him up and throw him. At least i think it's a guy. Anyways help,somehow. Anyone,i don't want lunch duty for another month! Anyways i am taking speaking basic monster:101,and this monster speaks part basic monster,and 2 other languages i don't even know. So something or another about how it was his room first,so ya.

8/30/2016 1:05pm

Anyone seen a monster?

8/30/2016 6:41pm

Haha hey,uhm can you return my magic book? And return to your room? I don't want yet another month of lunch duty and soon enough i will have to help the janitor.*Shudder* Oh and like get out of @Luna's room? and how did you get a phone/computer...AND OW DO YOU TYPE?!? I know demon and some basic monster.

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