Ms. Hazeltine

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Solstice Maintenance
12/21/2022 11:15pm

I am sorry to say that the Solstice Maintenance has not been completed on schedule. Especially sorry because this means delaying my solstice holiday trip with @Seketus Reed to the deep, dark, and highly romantic caverns of Glar-Oc-Nye, as featured on "Cave Fiancé." Sketus was an advisor on that show and gets an amazing discount on their Stalagmite Suite whenever he wants it.

As repair and upgrades to the Gears of Tomorrow continue, you may continue to experience mild disruptions in service, like the sudden disappearance of branded objects, corporate franchises, and marketecture; the invasion of maddening, gibbering thoughts; lost time; and time stutters.

Tomorrow continue, you may continue to experience mild objects, corporate franchises, and marketecture; the invasion of stutters.

As repair and upgrades to the Gears of Disruptions in service, like sudden disappearance of branded maddening, gibbering thoughts, lost time, and time.

I was really looking forward to that vacation.


A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator

Solstice Maintenance
12/2/2022 11:11pm

Oh absolutely, @Jaymie Fang, that sounds like a wonderful idea. I'm sure our team of highly trained professionals doing work so delicate that the slightest miscalculation could result in taking our entire timeline offline would love to have any number of novices running around and spilling their psychoactive boba drinks all over the controls.

But just how many students would be interested?

Sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board just outside my office door!


A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator

Solstice Maintenance
11/29/2022 10:23pm

As some students have noted, the Gears of Tomorrow are in need of a bit of a tune-up.

We'll be taking them off-line intermittently over the next month, where they will be properly serviced and upgraded by authorized and accredited horological technicians, horoscopical engineers, sacrificial estimators, Druids of Tinkery™, parts replacers, know-it-alls, eggheads, grease monkeys, snake handlers, and union members.

If you feel a slight disruption of service during this time, please do not clog up the emergency and non-emergency psychic hotlines, because we assure you any changes in your eigenstate will be temporary. More likely side effects include lost time, confusion, bright-color-seeing, and dyspepsia.

It's recommended that first-timers carry a sleep mask or bandana to use as a blindfold to spare yourself the horror of "what's behind the film" when the projector goes dark.

Repairs will be complete by December 21st. Otherwise, well, we're not sure.

Happy Solstice!


A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator

Halloween on Other Planets
9/30/2022 11:50pm

It's time for Psyhigh's annual Halloween extravaganza!

This year's theme is Halloween on Other Planets. We're opening up the galactic gates for free travel to and from Psyhigh and all our sister and brother schools across this wondrous universe of ours.

Colorful brochures are available now in the cafeteria to help you plan your interplanetary Halloween adventure.

Be sure to welcome our extraterrestrial fellow students as they ask for biologically appropriate foods and places to rest their weary heads and tentacles after a long day of intercultural exploration.

Start planning your costumes now for the Intersolar Pageant, and the dance contest at the Halloween Ball at the end of the month.

Looking forward to seeing you there!


A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator

8/27/2022 11:36pm

Contrary to campus rumors, ghost adoption is not permitted in student living quarters. Students may not host adopted ghosts in the dorms, or house them anywhere on campus grounds. This is for the safety of the student body, and for the welfare of the ghosts produced by the fly-by-night underground ghost mills that facilitate the ectoplasmic trade.

There will be an amnesty for all students to turn in their Adopt-a-ghosts at the Subliminal Student Union this Sunday. Adopted ghosts that are dropped off will be transported to accredited ghost rehabilitation facilities to prepare them to be released back in the wild.

Doors are open from 1pm to 4pm this Sunday.


A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator

Reality Abroad 2022
6/30/2022 11:31pm

It's time for students to start reporting on their Reality Abroad Program experiences!

So many of you are experiencing homestays, travel itineraries, or just "living rough" in the many dimensions Psyhigh's portal system provides access to, and now's the time to start reporting back on your experiences here in your journals.

Don't forget that failure to submit your reports will result in your being marooned and otherwise stranded in your respective realities until your reports are filed, so don't delay!

I'll be taking a holiday later this month with @Seketus Reed so it would be most convenient for all of us to get your stories in tout suite! This will be reflected in your grades.


A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator

New Student Committee
6/21/2022 10:53pm

It sounds like you may be in the New Student Lounge, @Trinity. Or at least the vast beeswax tunnel system beneath it! Feel free to join the others in the sitting room, where I'm sure they'll offer you a soda or whatever it is you kids drink these days. @Seketus Reed is fond of Sentient Mycelium Vinegar Rickeys.

Anyway, I know they've got a load of snacks because they charged it to the New Student Committee credit card. And I believe they are watching a compelling documentary on the Waggle Dance on a VHS tape that the school recently acquired.

Just don't spend too much time with the bee people down there! They're so eager they can get quite anxious. Their warm buzzing sound may put you at ease, but it's best we all move cautiously around them.


A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator

New Student Committee
6/10/2022 7:03pm

You should consider the New Student Committee, @Lilax! We've been waiting for you. In fact, the New Student Committee was created JUST for YOU!

Soon there will be the Selection of the Queen... and do you happen to know the Waggle Dance?

Oooops! I probably shouldn't have had that second ayahuasca boba tea at the Spoonbender... but that delightful @Seketus Reed can be so entertaining!

Oh also!! Though not a student per se, @Mr. Blume could be an important resource, as flowers are instrumental in the Invocation.


A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator

New Student Committee
6/1/2022 11:16pm

Not an accident at all, @Journey Searches. In fact, here at Psychic High School we learn there is no such thing! Well, except when I knocked over my coffee on my computer this morning, but I was being distracted by that dashing @Seketus Reed!

In any case, @Journey Searches, we are thrilled that you have volunteered for New Student Committee, and hope that you will recruit your friends! Like that square aura student, or the amnesiacs. They're great to have on committees.

Thanks again for devoting yourselves to the life of the school. Those bees won't dance themselves!


A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator

New Student Committee
5/29/2022 9:56pm

With all the new students on campus it's time to reinstate our New Student Committee, who will be taking time to learn about the school and plan the New Student Dance and Summer Term Bee Invocation Ritual at the end of June!

The New Student Lounge has been reopened and fumigated, leaving it almost 100% free of ghosts and debris. It's the ramshackle carriage house behind the library. Key is under the mat!

We look forward to this year's New Student Dance and finding out what these new students are made of.


A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator

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