Jaymie Fang

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Solstice Maintenance
12/10/2022 9:29pm

I’ve been an avid hobbyist in the Infothene scene, working on psychic muscle cars and pushing the limits of what information engines that size can do. But the Gears of Time make up the biggest information engine we know of. The Solar Wa. The Diamond Orrery. The Big Clang.

Infothence engines produce a byproduct. We call it Hawk Gas -- information that escapes from our eternal combustion systems. The chambers and pistons are just physical, after all, and Infothene is refined. But the Gears of Time are on a whole different level. They run on raw information and are made of materials that don't fully exist in our universe. There's parts of the engine you can't even touch with physical objects. That's where the engineering gets tricky, and is the main thing I'm learning about.

Solstice Maintenance
11/30/2022 7:41pm

Is it possible to get extra credit in psychic shop class if we volunteer to help, @Ms. Hazeltine? Like, as a volunteer/intern?

Underage Drivers' Club
11/17/2022 9:49pm

So I don't know how much you guys know about the infothene scene, but @Haunted Ed was like one of the first guys to make it. "The power of an engine that uses information as fuel depends on the quality of that information," and @Haunted Ed's information was extremely high quality. He'd make it in big stills out behind the groundskeeper's barn.

Underage Drivers' Club
11/5/2022 10:49pm

I went to Burning Car this summer. It's in a different location every year, so you have to have connections to know about it. That's how they keep it from going mainstream.

Anyway I'm positive I saw @Haunted Ed there -- Psyhigh's own Haunted Driver's Ed teacher. He was spinning and conjuring up bigger pumpkin heads than anybody else.

Don't try asking him about it though because he swears he wasn't there.