Introduce Yourself

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Jimmy Creepers
- 6/23/2023 10:59pm

I can see around all the corners. At once!

Makes going anywhere kind of pointless.

Right now I'm at Psyhigh.

Peep McSqueekums
- 6/29/2023 9:57pm

Here to represent for the Mouse Brigade. From Mousetown.


Paco Urania
- 7/2/2023 9:14pm

Me llamo Paco Urania, aunque mis padres acaban llamándome Miguel, o Javier, o Jorge, o los muchos otros nombres de mis antepasados. Vivo en la Base Lunar Cuatro, pero sueño con salir al sistema solar y al espacio interestelar.

willoughby chatters
- 7/6/2023 4:25pm

just a ghost! drifting through

class of '58

Ginger Friendship
- 7/9/2023 9:43pm

I love the American ice cream they serve in the canteen here.

Anima Poetae
- 7/12/2023 10:34pm

A black kitten races across the room.

I catch her and hold her and when I look away she turns into a tabby kitten.

I set the tabby kitten down and let her race across the room.

I catch the tabby kitten and hold her and when I look away she turns into the black kitten.

I set the black kitten down and let her race across the room.

Marine Clime
- 7/17/2023 10:32pm

I must learn to control my tornado of ideas.

It has already injured several people.

Seaweed Wonder
- 7/22/2023 6:14pm

Shout out to my homie @Yuk Embry for getting me accepted at Psyhigh!

Yuk's training me to be part of his time-share crew.

Cory Weatherall
- 7/27/2023 7:58pm

Hi I’m Cory I’m a rising junior transfer from Benson and came here to play football.

When I learned there was no football team I got into sentient vegetable gardening instead.

Tammy Hammer
- 8/2/2023 8:32pm

I’m brain dead in 72 different realities, but not this one. So it is very special to me.

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