Introduce Yourself

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Siriso Gates
- 8/26/2023 8:00pm

Really I’m used to having servants. Mechanical ones.

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Erika LeRoq
- 8/21/2023 9:33pm

I’m ex-lava. Came to Psyhigh on a heat scholarship but things cooled off and now I’m stone.

Jira, Clairvoyant
- 8/19/2023 11:53am

Came from nowhere. Well...Somewhere secret. That secret place believes in many things derived from this New Age thing.

crystal magic
crystal ball reading

Psychics. I want to be a psychic. So I was placed here by manifesting to have a safe spot to be a psychic and not be bothered by the rich, who makes fun of us.

I feel so lonely because I wasn't in Children's Circle.

Hope you respect me as a newcomer.

- 8/13/2023 5:00pm

Days have begun to all blur together. When I sleep I am awake and when I'm awake I feel asleep. I feel like I'm walking amongst the dreaming, hand and hand in their nightmare world.

Darby Funtz
- 8/10/2023 10:47pm

The mall in my home town was getting deader by the day, but we all hung out there. Talia, Jacob, Maia and me.

When the mall cop yelled "TIME MOLD" we thought he was saying "Time Ooot!" like maybe he was Canadian. But we followed him down an employee tunnel and he opened a closet and started pulling spacesuits out.

"Evac suits! Zip in!"

Pretty soon the walls disintegrated and we could see the parts of the mall floating away... the closed up movie theater, the dried up ice rink, the Cinnabon.

We lost the mall cop in the chaos, but somehow found our way to the big green lawn outside the library at Psyhigh.

I'd like to find that mall cop and thank him.

Olivia Maxwell
- 8/6/2023 9:43pm

I dialed the 800 number from the ad about “free and ominous conversations” and it really was free, and ominous, but when it didn’t scare me away they gave me an invite so I joined.

My parents weren’t happy at first but all the transfers paperwork and stuff just happens automatically so there wasn’t anything they could do about it. Plus when they find out about the “parents' bonus” they'll be totally into it.

Tammy Hammer
- 8/2/2023 8:32pm

I’m brain dead in 72 different realities, but not this one. So it is very special to me.

Cory Weatherall
- 7/27/2023 7:58pm

Hi I’m Cory I’m a rising junior transfer from Benson and came here to play football.

When I learned there was no football team I got into sentient vegetable gardening instead.

Seaweed Wonder
- 7/22/2023 6:14pm

Shout out to my homie @Yuk Embry for getting me accepted at Psyhigh!

Yuk's training me to be part of his time-share crew.

Marine Clime
- 7/17/2023 10:32pm

I must learn to control my tornado of ideas.

It has already injured several people.

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