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4/18/2017 5:29pmAh, how I love it when the world turns into a colour. Today I experienced it, just for a second, as yellow. Yellow is good. Yellow means everything is good. I hadn't seen my vision change colours for a while before today, but I still remember what every colour means:
Red is when things are going bad. I hate red. It's so filled with danger and uncertainty. The last time I saw in red was when I was about to be attacked by a hand as a head in a jar.
Orange is there when something is about to change majorly. The last time I saw orange was not too long ago when I got a body.
Yellow is for when things are going good. I like yellow. It's so happy. The last time I saw yellow was, well, today.
Green is for when things are about to get busy. I usually see green quite regularly but haven't in over a year. I'm not sure if I am able to see green anymore.
Blue is for when things are boring. I haven't seen it since enrolling at PsyHigh.
Purple represents change in routine. It usually doesn't mean much, and it used to just appear whenever my jar's fluid was getting changed.
I still don't know what pink means. I don't get it much.
But when everything is dark grey and black, that's when things are bad and staying bad. I've never seen it and never want to.
Does anyone else ever see colours?
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4/17/2017 10:06pmSo I've FINALLY escaped from that ridiculous fairy prison in the woods (if you weren't there, don't ask about it) and guess what? I had no cheers of welcome back from anyone. Did nobody even think to tell each other I was missing for A FEW MONTHS?! Something must've been lost in communication...
...Anyway, just letting all of you know I'm back.
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12/29/2016 12:28amWow... I'm not seeing double...
I'm seeing quadruple! Everything around me looks like it repeats four times. I'm sure this is just a hallucination.
Has anyone else been seeing quadruple?
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12/29/2016 12:26am@
Charlotte and @
Crystal Rosethorn,
I've noticed a couple of students inquiring about the potential of there being a New Year's party, and I agree. But who needs @
Big Jim's permission anyway? Let's do this thing! (In secret if you think he might get mad.)
It seems like Crystal has a couple of dragons that would be nothing short of perfect for a midnight fireworks display. And what else...? Sparkly things? Whatever they are, feel free to bring them.
As for Charlotte, the year we are heading into is 2017. I'm not sure when you come from, but probably a while back.
So it seems that this should take place in an open space. Somewhere like... The woods? I know there's a clearing there that would be great for a big party. I can arrange music to be played, most likely from a psychic DJ but maybe even from a live band if I'm lucky. Decorations will be easy. If you want to help out, just drop by the clearing the morning before.
Of course, the time of the event might be a little harder to advertise. I'm thinking it can start at six so we have plenty of time to party?
Ooh! One more thing. I've been told that at midnight, there's this thing called the New Year's kiss. It's supposed to be good luck. So feel free to bring a date!
Is this a good idea? I want to party, for sure, but I should check for interest before I decide on anything.
Thankyou everyone,
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12/29/2016 12:25am@
Charlotte and @
Crystal Rosethorn,
I've noticed a couple of students inquiring about the potential of there being a New Year's party, and I agree. But who needs @
Big Jim's permission anyway? Let's do this thing! (In secret if you think he might get mad.)
It seems like Crystal has a couple of dragons that would be nothing short of perfect for a midnight fireworks display. And what else...? Sparkly things? Whatever they are, feel free to bring them.
As for Charlotte, the year we are heading into is 2017. I'm not sure when you come from, but probably a while back.
So it seems that this should take place in an open space. Somewhere like... The woods? I know there's a clearing there that would be great for a big party. I can arrange music to be played, most likely from a psychic DJ but maybe even from a live band if I'm lucky. Decorations will be easy. If you want to help out, just drop by the clearing the morning before.
Of course, the time of the event might be a little harder to advertise. I'm thinking it can start at six so we have plenty of time to party?
Ooh! One more thing. I've been told that at midnight, there's this thing called the New Year's kiss. It's supposed to be good luck. So feel free to bring a date!
Is this a good idea? I want to party, for sure, but I should check for interest before I decide on anything.
Thankyou everyone,
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12/29/2016 12:25am@
Charlotte and @
Crystal Rosethorn,
I've noticed a couple of students inquiring about the potential of there being a New Year's party, and I agree. But who needs @
Big Jim's permission anyway? Let's do this thing! (In secret if you think he might get mad.)
It seems like Crystal has a couple of dragons that would be nothing short of perfect for a midnight fireworks display. And what else...? Sparkly things? Whatever they are, feel free to bring them.
As for Charlotte, the year we are heading into is 2017. I'm not sure when you come from, but probably a while back.
So it seems that this should take place in an open space. Somewhere like... The woods? I know there's a clearing there that would be great for a big party. I can arrange music to be played, most likely from a psychic DJ but maybe even from a live band if I'm lucky. Decorations will be easy. If you want to help out, just drop by the clearing the morning before.
Of course, the time of the event might be a little harder to advertise. I'm thinking it can start at six so we have plenty of time to party?
Ooh! One more thing. I've been told that at midnight, there's this thing called the New Year's kiss. It's supposed to be good luck. So feel free to bring a date!
Is this a good idea? I want to party, for sure, but I should check for interest before I decide on anything.
Thankyou everyone,
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12/29/2016 12:25am@
Charlotte and @
Crystal Rosethorn,
I've noticed a couple of students inquiring about the potential of there being a New Year's party, and I agree. But who needs @
Big Jim's permission anyway? Let's do this thing! (In secret if you think he might get mad.)
It seems like Crystal has a couple of dragons that would be nothing short of perfect for a midnight fireworks display. And what else...? Sparkly things? Whatever they are, feel free to bring them.
As for Charlotte, the year we are heading into is 2017. I'm not sure when you come from, but probably a while back.
So it seems that this should take place in an open space. Somewhere like... The woods? I know there's a clearing there that would be great for a big party. I can arrange music to be played, most likely from a psychic DJ but maybe even from a live band if I'm lucky. Decorations will be easy. If you want to help out, just drop by the clearing the morning before.
Of course, the time of the event might be a little harder to advertise. I'm thinking it can start at six so we have plenty of time to party?
Ooh! One more thing. I've been told that at midnight, there's this thing called the New Year's kiss. It's supposed to be good luck. So feel free to bring a date!
Is this a good idea? I want to party, for sure, but I should check for interest before I decide on anything.
Thankyou everyone,
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Hola! - 12/27/2016 10:21pmHello @
Leonardo Radonio,
It's a pleasure to greet you to PsyHigh. Your powers are quite incredible and I hope we can soon become friends.
I'm afraid my abilities are not as amazing as yours are, with only lowkey psychic powers as of now, but feel free to come to me with any questions you may have.
Not that you are likely to have any issues, of course. You seem like the kind of guy who'd be popular within minutes of walking into the school.
Best wishes,
We're all a Little Different - 12/26/2016 10:12pmWell, @
IggyBrows, I think I can identify with you.
I've had quite a time here at this school, and actually discovered the full potential of my genetically-modified self.
You see, I arrived here as part of a Head Transplant show and immediately fit in in a way I never had before. Turns out I was able to participate in a degree of hypnotism and mind reading, as well as being semi-immune to pain as side effects of the gene tampering.
I hope you find your place here, I really do, but I must ask; how did you find this place? If you arrived, then you must have a power of some sort. I wish you all the best for figuring that out.
Good luck and best wishes,
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12/26/2016 10:03pmI finally escaped from the fairies! Now I'm back and ready to reattend school like an ordinary person. Not that I am an ordinary person...
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