Children’s Circle Summer Session
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Ms. Hazeltine - 5/29/2021 11:26pmChildren's Circle Summer Session is coming up! Students interested in early childhood psychic development are encouraged to apply as childminders for these precocious tots. Receive school credit and earn some extra cash for the summer! More info and signup sheet on the bulletin board just outside my office door.
A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator
Elizabeth Magnolia - 5/30/2021 9:11pmThat sounds like exactly the kind of summer opportunity I am interested in, @
Ms. Hazeltine. What are the requirements to be a psychic childminder for the Children’s Circle Summer Session?
Ms. Hazeltine - 5/31/2021 11:21pmThat is an excellent question, @
Elizabeth Magnolia.
All students are invited to apply, as I'm sure every one of you has the compassion and empathy and caring that it takes to help these young people get the most out of their summers, and learn a little bit about life along the way.
Along with that, you'll need to be fully versed in CPR and First Aid, Anaphylaxis Training, Recovered Memory Training, training in the Five Kinds of Combat (Lvl 6), and Defensive Driving. You'll also need a background check, and a Psychic Criminal Background Check, and a Working With Psychic Children Check (WWPCC). There's also a full stress physical, a double retina and ectoplasmic DNA scan, references, and the ability to perform a short firewalk. Oh, and singing! Really helpful to know some songs.
You can find brochures with the complete list of required optional requirements at the bulletin board outside of my office.
A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator
Annie Sweet - 6/2/2021 6:18amHi @
Ms. Hazeltine ! I was wondering if I could apply for the summer caretaker program, since my status at this school is dubious. I was going to start next year since the flesh prison seems to be high school age and education seems very important, but currently I don't attend classes. I do live and travel in the walls though, if that counts for anything. And I am in possession of a Child Groove CD. I found it on an empty grocery store shelf where I thought the butter potatoes were supposed to be. The songs make your brain feel compressed. I think it's supposed to be a bootleg Kidz Bop, but the voice singing sounds deeply haunting and personal, like it's screaming the words to Momma's House right to you. Anyway, I do think I would be a good caregiver, especially since I now have experience nursing! And, of course, the Child Groove CD.
Ms. Hazeltine - 6/3/2021 8:45pmOh yes you sound like a wonderful candidate, @
Annie Sweet.
The tryouts invocation is tomorrow, followed by a "battle royale" all weekend at Psyhigh. Non-participating students are asked to follow directive 9 protective measures during this time to avoid injury or disfiguration.
Good luck making it to the winner's circle, everyone!
A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator
wee woo - 6/3/2021 10:07pmI'm gay.
Annie Sweet - 6/4/2021 6:25amI've started the invocation/battle royale process! I'll post a little about it here as it progresses, but I'm going to have to be somewhat vague in case any other candidates read my posts. I shudder to think actual sentients see what I write here.
So, the day started out boringly. I had some oatmeal, made sure my boss knew that I was taking an educational leave for an undetermined amount of time, and packed a small backpack. I packed some extra clothes, some survival tools, and some things I think the children would like. I bade goodbye to Cornelia, and I headed off for the main campus.
When I arrived, there were many teenagers in a circle in a very large courtyard. I went up to one with an orange pair of sneakers and asked if this was for the Children's Circle Summer Session Childminder Invocation.
"Yes, watch the sneakers, they're new."
"Alright. Can I stand here?"
"As long as you don't do anything to my new sneakers." They glared at me suspiciously.
I don't know why someone would wear new sneakers to a battle royale, but it's really none of my business anyway. Just then, a tall, lithe figure glided to the middle of the circle. "Listen up students," he boomed. The crowd fell silent, which wasn't much of a change, since everybody seemed to be either terrified or scarily calm. "If you're not here for the Children's Circle Summer Session Childminder selection, leave now in an orderly fashion, following directive 9 safety measures until the selection is complete." A few people left hurriedly. "Good."
"Now, first things first, let's go around in a circle and say our names, grade, and one interesting fact about ourselves." More people left. "You go first," he pointed to someone across the circle who I couldn't quite make out. "SPEAK UP!" He boomed. I could hear a faint yell across the yard as they said, "I'M CHARLIE, I'M A SOPHOMORE, AND I WENT TO THE FIRST OLYMPICS!" The man nodded. "Good, let's go clockwise. NEXT."
It went on like that for a while. When we got to me, I yelled, "I'M ANNIE, I DON'T REMEMBER MY GRADE AT THE MOMENT, AND I LIKE LONG FURBY A CONCERNING AMOUNT!" He nodded, as he did with everyone. It was orange sneakers' turn. "I'M ALICE, I'M A SENIOR, AND I COLLECT SPOONS!" He nodded, and the introductions moved on. I held out a hand. She shook it and we smiled at each other.
After introductions were done, it was time for invocation. Sadly, we first were sworn to never repeat what we saw there, may our corporeal bodies turn to dust but the consciousness of the universe still not pry it out of our souls. So I can't say. But after it was done, I am allowed to say there were only 33 of us left, including myself. Now, since it's technically a Friday, we're having a Get To Know You sleepover before the big fight. I was promised marshmallows.
I'll keep this journal updated. They say before the sleepover we have to show proof that we know CPR and First Aid, have Anaphylaxis Training, Recovered Memory Training, training in the Five Kinds of Combat (Lvl 6) and Defensive Driving, a Psychic Criminal Background Check, and a WWPCC. We're also taking some tests which will be fun. Alice and I seem to get along great. I can't wait to start!
Elizabeth Magnolia - 6/6/2021 10:57pmWow am I beat! But so happy to have made it to the final 13 winners of the Children's Circle Summer Session psychic childminders crew. And my apologies specifically to Brandi, Cecelia, Allan, and Joy. I'm sure you know it was nothing personal and the Psyhigh nurses will have you all right as rain soon. And to everybody else in the 33 who didn't make the final cut.
After being formally inducted and led blindfolded to an undisclosed location in the catacombs, we've got our bunks and will get to start with the little psychic tykes this week. Sooooo looking forward to it, and to working with @
Annie Sweet and the rest of the team!
Derrick Frampton - 6/7/2021 11:10pmFirst day with the Children’s Circle kids, and let me tell you they are a joy to work with. I’m from a 7th generation Waldorf family, so my anthroposophic force runs strong. This is certainly helpful in connecting to the Children's Circle kids on their own plane, and I found them highly adept at Eurythmy, artistic work, and especially circle games. They even taught me a game, which they called "Sinestra, the Almond-eyed Mother of the Night" and though the rules didn't quite make sense, they swore that Sinestra would visit me tonight and take me to her tomb of nuts and I would sleep forever more.
What imaginations!
Also, so drowsy...
Molly P - 6/8/2021 7:11pmI am struggling with how to handle one of the kids in my group at Children's Circle Summer Session. I won't mention her name here to protect her privacy. Ms. Hazeltine had us sign the privacy contract and I don't want to get in trouble and violate any rules on the only 2nd day of camp.
This kid keeps climbing the walls and crawling on the ceiling in the middle of Demonic Summoning Singalong time. She totally distracts the other kids and the entire Singalong becomes alllll about her.
How can the other kids learn with her distracting them so much? Now two of the other children are trying to climb the walls too. I called my mom who has taught preschool for over 87 years and she said I just need to be really loving and patient with the little brat, I mean kid.
Ugh I am dreading tomorrow. Maybe I can have her transferred to another group but I know Derrick Frampton has two really rowdy girls in his group and probably won't take her. I heard one of his kids is a biter, it's one of the WolfenGroup kids but still.
I am going to do a Gargoyle Compassion Meditation tonight before bed to see if it helps me be more patient tomorrow. We are doing Tie Die Death Shrouds and it will be really hands on and I want the other kids to at least get a Death Shroud to take home at the end of the week. I could not even get them to finish today's craft because my little wild kid kept making all the craft materials disappear.
Honestly, I don't think working with kids is my thing.
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