Small complaints

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- 2/19/2024 11:58pm

Yeah it was me and my crew who was responsible for the dousing of the plants on campus. I told the psycops everything. We were just looking for some extra psybercoin, and the guy online said we'd just need to walk around campus and start pouring out the sauce he sent in the big green barrels. So we filled our stanleys and started pouring. And I'll admit we mighta got to sippin a bit of the juice ourselves. We didn't mean any harm by it, but that fella never got around to payin' us either. We're owed! Said his name was... DOCTOR GREENJEANS.

*hic!* Anybody mind if I just defoliate a bit? Maybe out in that dirt behind the library?

Ms. Hazeltine
- 2/22/2024 11:52pm

Dear students,

As you are aware, Psychic High School has had generally unrestricted dress code for many years. This is partially to accommodate the wide range of physical forms our students (and staff) have, but also because the supplier that made our specially resilient uniforms had to close due to supply chain issues.

While the school remains largely unafraid of clothing, we are temporarily banning the wearing of "green jeans," or "jeans that are green." The school has learned that the wearing of "green jeans" is a sign of being involved with a criminal cult that has recently been targeting our botanical students and staff, not to mention the landscaping.

Any student found wearing "green jeans" will be asked to remove them immediately.

Don't get caught with your pants down! And leave your "green jeans" in your drawers till this arc reaches its satisfying conclusion.


A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator

- 2/24/2024 11:12pm


All of my favourite clothes are green. Plus, I don't think I look like I could cause trouble. What a lame new rule...

I will continue to wear my best green trousers, unaffiliated.

Solanaceae P.
- 3/1/2024 9:46pm

Hey there! Help a petunia out?

I got a letter smuggled out of the greenhouse, scribbled on an old pumpkin leaf. It's addressed to @V the poet, Scary Old Tower, Lower Campus. But as you can see I'm kinda stuck here in this planter with my other patch mates.

Do you think you could deliver it for me? There's a coupon for a 12 pack of Baja Blast in it for you.

Erika LeRoq
- 3/5/2024 9:45pm

The sprouts of spring made me restless after my long winter's nap. The plum blossoms, the crocuses, the March Violets. It's also the time when Mars comes out, which is mostly made of lava. Old cold lava. Which is what I'm made out of too, so it makes me more active.

Which is why I was on a stroll near the dorms, leaving heavy footprints in the mud, when I found a plaintive petunia asking for a folded leaf to be delivered to one @V the poet in the scary old tower on lower campus. Must be quite a hermit as I'd never heard of them.

The scary old tower has been there for a long time though. And it's a mess, with mail piled up against the front door and down the walk to the gardens. Letters pouring out the tiny tower windows. Letters blowing in the cold air like snow.

I slipped the folded leaf under the door and trudged on.

V the poet
- 3/6/2024 5:56am

I found a leaf slipped under my door. I didn't even hear anybody come by.

The letter is in some language I can't read. Why couldn't it just be in English? I mean, you learn ONE alien language and now that's all you speak! Geez...

I have an idea...a stupid one, but an idea nonetheless. I'm going to have to leave my tower, but I'm prepared. I have a nice, heavy set of clothing.

The first person I need to ask is LaRoq. She generously gave the note to me. Didn't know stone could move so quietly.

But first, I'm going to get some writing done. I will leave under cover of night.

V the poet
- 3/6/2024 3:30pm

I got my gear ready to head out. I wasn't able to stuff my hair inside my hoodie, but my bangs are so long they only help to hide my identity. When I used to talk to people in person, people said I looked like a girl. This usually followed by them getting kicked in the nuts by me.

I decided against wearing jeans, but I only have one pair of non-jeans. They're really small, as I haven't worn them in ages, and it feels skintight. Oh well, at least I'm hidden.

But not enough. The sweatpants are so small they barely go below my knees. I wear a very long pair of socks to balance it out. I make sure I'm wearing the most comfortable shoes I own, and I throw a black sweater over it all just to be safe. I look in the mirror and can't help but feel like I look kind of stupid.

Maybe that's just feelings of dread that I am expressing at being in the presence of people for the first time in...oh I can't even remember.

I'm pretty short, but I'm not overweight. It's hard to determine my age or gender, which is exactly the look I'm going for. The less they know, the better.

I grab the leaf with the note on it, then slowly creak open my door. It needs some WD-40, because I haven't used it in ages, it makes plenty of sounds.

I silently slip out of my room, and begin to reconsider as I stare at the bookcase.

No backing out now...

I tread to my location under the cover of night. Luckily I know the location of the dorm of @Erika LeRoq, so it'll be a quick trip.

I arrive at their doorstep. A small plaque reads "LeRoq" on it. I'm terrified, and slightly trembling in fear, debating whether or not I should change my voice.

At the time of writing, I have knocked on Erika's door and am silently waiting for a response. I hope that they're there...

Erika LeRoq
- 3/7/2024 10:47pm

I've been spending all my time outdoors lately. After my long winter's sit as a statue on lower campus, I just can't get enough of the fresh air, weather, sunshine and nature. It helps smooth out my basalt complexion.

So I sat down in the sculpture garden near the art dept. I was getting one of their flash lichen, which takes a couple of days. Days of sitting very, very still.

"Tweeeeet! Tweetweetweetweetweet!"

It was one of the little juncos that liked to perch on me in winter.

"Slow down Teresa," I said. Maybe she was talking fast, or maybe my brain was just in slow stone mode.

"Tweetweetweetweetweetweetweet. Tweet tweetweetweetweet tweetweet tweetweetweet."

"They've been there for how long?"


One of the other sculptures wrapped my fresh flash lichen in a bandage on my arm. It helps make sure it sets. Then I trudged back over to the dorms to meet this stranger.

It was the resident of the scary old tower. I couldn't really tell them much about the letter, so I offered to take them to meet the petunia that gave it to me. But the little planter had moved! No doubt couch surfing again.

Then I realized there was one thing I knew, something the little petunia had made quite clear.

"It came from the greenhouse," I told them.

V the poet
- 3/8/2024 6:18am

Ms. LaRoq was very nice. I wasn't able to say much, but I figured out the approximate location of the petunia who found it.

Ms. LaRoqs room was standard in every way. Sparsely decorated, so I'm guessing she spends little time inside. She offered me stone tea, but I tried to say "What is stone tea?" And "How are you?" At the same time and ended up saying "WHAT ARE YOU??!?"

I was so embarrassed. I felt like a failure, especially after waiting for like 20 minutes at her door like a creep twiddling my thumbs. She laughed it off, however.

I explained my scenario as best I could while saying as little as possible. I showed her the leaf and said "read." I was embarrassed afterwards because I felt like I was way to threatening.

Erika couldn't read it. She did point to the direction of the greenhouse, where the petunia who found it was.

I don't know how I didnt notice it originally. Of course the entity that managed to read that it was addressed to me is able to read it. I set off after saying thank you a few thousand times.

I promised Erika that I'd send her a thank you letter whenever I could, but she politely said that it wouldn't be necessary. I'm still going to send her one, because it just wouldn't sit well with my heart to NOT send her one. I mean, she's done quite a bit to help some stranger who has extreme social anxiety to recover a note scribbled on a letter. That whole situation sounds stupid.

To be honest, it kind of is. But it's for the good of the school that I get this letter. I slammed the door to the residence of @Erika LaRoq closed, and I'm panicking because I feel as if I was super rude.

At the time of writing, I am setting off towards the lower campus, in the direction of the greenhouse. I haven't been this low or this close to the ground in quite some time, as my tower is the highest point in the lower campus of the school. I've secretly longed for the feeling of grass again.

The greenhouse isn't in my sight yet, but it's also dark outside. Might get in trouble for this, I realize now that there is a strong possibility I am mistaken for one of those troublemakers. Hopefully, this all goes through smoothly.

Thanks to Erika's tips, I now know that since the last time I observed the petunia in its planter, curiously, it moved locations. She believes that it is still in the greenhouse, and so do I.

Oh man, I just realized that I'm going to be so behind on my letter writing because of this...

- 3/17/2024 6:14pm

With @Mr. Blume on hiatus they didn't know what to do with Botany class so they gave us "independent study" and guess what for mine I picked WHAT IS GOING ON AT THE GREENHOUSE because what IS going on at the greenhouse?

In the past week it's become a gnarling mass of vegetation, great green chutes like tentacles bursting out of the ground around it, terrible tendrils sprouting vines with leaves and spikes and primitive intoxicating flowers, threatening to pull the whole greenhouse into the earth to be consumed. There's seems to be no getting in. Or out.

I've been filling my notebook with illustrations and taking notes. I am positive it will not only get me an A but get me entered in the state-wide Psychic Science Fair! I'm psyched.

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