Hana Song
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All the spies of Psyhigh - 5/22/2020 8:35pm@
elyed @
Dear suspicious spies, I can't confirm or deny the existence of our delightful inclusive school. There may or may not be others who are inclined to find themselves debunking our school and finding themselves having very unformal posting on our blog. If you are potential students, please find yourselves going to the administration tab and following the steps included. If you are indeed an outsider and or rival school spies there will be no mercy. If suspected there will be a brief interrogation by our investigations department and swift punishment by school faculty, Finishing it off with an eventual memory wipe as you and all you work with will be discovered. To answer your question that Psychic Highschool is fake, then the answer is that you must figure that out for yourselves. That will be all.
The truth is always close by
- Hana Song, head of the Psychic High School Investigations Department
New Students Enrolled - 9/28/2019 11:05pm@
arabella Sorry for the delay there should be teleporters in the main hall. The main hall is the one with all the decorations lined about for this year's fall festival. there is also a map station in most halls or you can receive one in your introductory email. The old fashioned method is to simply walk and have a paper copy would help as well.
Your guide
-Hana Song
3/2/2019 10:44pmDear Gallient students
I the talented witch Hana Song invite you all to a anti gravitational dinner party tomarrow night down in dorm room 666 by the psychic investigations department. Please dress up nicely ...or best you can and bring a dessert. There will be games and fun activities.I'll see you soon after I step off my personized star cruiser .
Your prestigeous friend
-Hana Song
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2/11/2019 8:44pmDear my fellow students
If your'e reading this then iv'e headed off on a nice vacation in the ocean .hopefully this give me some time to relax and learn more about me ....and you to learn about me too... Anyway i'm having a nice time dolphin surfing and don't have to care about saving this....or destroying that. Anyway I wanted to see @
Teosinte use her powers to see inside my secrect vault she's pretty good from I hear. And maybe @
Ella Pastel can hang out as witch friends sometime.
Your challenging comrade
-Hana Song
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New Students Enrolled - 1/29/2019 9:20pmDear New students
Let me congratulate you on coming here to Psy High! On behalf of everyone here we are exitcited to see your powers grow. No matter what it is. I'm Hana And I can help you from finding your classes in the deepest reaches of the school to fighting off your literal inner demons.Once again if you need help find me or the nearest A.N.G.E.L member in your quadrent. I wish you a good year!
Your New Friend
-Hana Song
Certaines choses doivent ĂȘtre laissĂ©es seules... - 1/7/2019 8:37pmA trip sounds nice...I need to unwind a bit so im coming along with some stuff in my transdimentional storage cube. Of course I had to build some securitrons to protect my room and my secrect lair /vault from those GGSMSSSAEAPC punks ...that should keep there noses from entering my dorm!. Any way hopefully we have some activites planned and I'm off to say Au revoir!
Your stressed student
-Hana Song
The Angels - 1/3/2019 8:22pmDearest students
Take a look at this. Some hotshot company think they can steal my job?!? Wrong , Iv'e been protecting the halls for months now risking my life for these Security Chumps to take credit for my work! And im supposed to believe that they don't spy on you... Thats it! Im gonna find something online to expose them.....something terrible
Your skeptical classmate
-Hana Song
The Angels - 1/2/2019 9:26pmDear students of psy High
Since the events of the explosion of the Morozko 7 you'd think I'd be done with exploring, they were wrong. I need a team of heros and with school permisson to protect the school and it's students from the dangers of darkness. We call ourselves "The Angels" and we will dive into the depths of the school and it's mysteries . If you have some Talent or seeking to aid your fellow classmate at arms I recommend you join the cause. Please leave your applications below
Your Guardian Angel
-Hana Song
Snow at Psy High - 12/21/2018 8:39pmDear. Vina and frosty
I don't know if you lived the collapse or not but rest assured im back at my dorm. As you recalled I used a lighter to free. My self before the demon attack casting a fire ball into the stage. Causing the walls to melt. Then the wall collasped putting a barrier between you guys and me ... Luckly the exit was right behind me. So I left.... Goodbye friends...
Hope your still alive
-Hana Song
Ps never snoop through my stuff again!!
Snow at Psy High - 12/15/2018 10:23pmHow long have I been up here? Days,weeks,months? It doesn't matter Im quickly running out of rations. And clean water.I'ts Freezing in here and Im not sure where or how to get back. I see A red light a couple miles from here it looks like a door. Maybe that's the exit! Or maybe something more sinister...
-Your determined companion
Hana Song
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