Becky Wren

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2/9/2018 5:25pm

Oh there's bats here alright. I can barely get my brain around them. Bats in the belfry, bats in the basement, bats in the well. More bats than they can handle, which is why they need me, Becky the Bat Handler.

But you know what they’ve got here too? Slugs. Every morning in the bright sunshine, I see the slug trails shining in the light. Silvery lines that shimmer and snake across the pavement and the dorms and over the teacher’s faces.

Bats don’t eat slugs. But frogs do. What this place needs is a Frog Farmer.

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2/2/2018 4:45pm

I’m a bat handler. I handle the bats. My home town is teeming with bats, and we had teams to handle the bats. My bat team was best in the league for 3 years straight, and we were the best bat handlers in the business.

I’ll bet Psyhigh’s got bats. Lots of bats.

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