Jeremy Brown

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The Book Report
3/4/2020 4:14am

@Aubrey Holes I didn’t get that one... but now I’m worried for the guy in my class who did.

The Book Report
3/3/2020 2:48pm

It’s fine... you’ll get so used to everything, instead of screaming “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE???” You’ll be saying “Uhh... what’s going on here?”

The Demon Brainmate
3/3/2020 12:53pm

Welcome to PsyHigh! My name is Jeremy... please excuse the fact that I’m now part frog...

You have a demon inside you? Eh... not the weirdest thing here... but still, welcome!

After Leap Day
3/3/2020 7:32am

Ugh... do you want me to ‘ribbit’ for you too? I’m only half frog... not full frog.

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After Leap Day
3/3/2020 4:27am

@Duncan That will probably take a while...

After Leap Day
3/2/2020 1:43pm

I swear... If I hear yet another joke about dissecting me...

The Book Report
3/2/2020 10:45am

It's fine. It's not bothering me... And what do you mean by "On the fritz"? This seems to be completely normal to everyone else here.

Coming to psychic high
3/2/2020 10:00am

I don't remember being tranquilized... I applied here... They ran some tests on me through the Internet, and boom, I'm in.

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After Leap Day
3/2/2020 9:22am

I’d like to apologize to anyone that I might end up leaping on today. It’s hard to get to class without bumping into anyone while leaping down the halls.

The Book Report
3/2/2020 9:06am

I copy myself all the time. Anyways, have you considered channeling the spirit of the author of said book?

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