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My Day
11/25/2022 8:48am

it is fake, but it's basically like a forum for a fictional psychic magic interdimensional spooky scary high school

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11/25/2022 8:16am

What are your entities’ powers? I’d like to see what variety there are here at Psyhigh. Mine is antilimignation and the ability to folotify.

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i don't know this site either..
11/24/2022 8:06pm

yeah its a joke, basically just a big giant fictional school. play along tho, it's fun.

The gzoolerb∂rg
11/24/2022 7:22pm

@Jeremy Brown I did too... Uh oh.

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Reality Accident
11/24/2022 2:39pm

getting tired of the reality accident, it makes me loop the day a bunch of times, i think i broke the loop this time though. i keep having to make an account to rewrite this every loop, i'm tired of it. goodbye, 11/24/2022 loop!