Back to School 2024
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Narya - 12/10/2024 10:02amI just started coming to this school in the middle of the year. Still trying to make friends and adjust. I’m just glad to get away from my old place…
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Star Pup Cake - 11/30/2024 11:36pmJust because I'm a carnivorous alien life form that looks very much like a small frosted cake, I have been informed I am not allowed within 100 yards of the cafeteria. Which is a bummer because how am I supposed to make friends now?
Eyewash - 11/24/2024 11:02pmWhen you're in the middle of an online class, either don't turn on your camera while doing something other than learning from the teacher or keep your camera on and pay attention to what the teacher is saying.
Dot Forsyth - 11/24/2024 10:31pmWhen you find yourself entering someone else's nightmare, there are three things you need:
A small tactical flashlight
Grappling hooks
A lifeline
The first two you can get at any psychic surplus store. The third one you've got to make yourself.
Hawthornstar - 11/20/2024 8:28amI'm not great at writing, but here's my start; I shuffled my deck of cards today, all 4 aces ended up next to each other. Maybe I should walk home today... Anyway, glad to have joined this school where I can meet people that don't give me weird looks!
Grace Popper - 11/19/2024 6:18pmI've lost a lot of thought balloons since the Reality Accident. Some shriveled, some exploded with a bang. And the ones that are still around make a real squeaky sound getting through the door, on account of how the doorways have shrunk.
My great grandparents--who were also balloon ranchers--lived through worse. Guess we'll have to see how bad this Reality Accident gets. In the meantime, I'm getting a new crop ready in the greenhouse.
Max Sacristy - 11/16/2024 3:24pmHave to write an essay on "the constraints of daily life."
Dig Chomsk - 11/12/2024 11:21pmI've joined the Junior Bafflers, which I know sounds demeaning, but it's the only way to become an official Baffler and baffle kids in the halls between classes. Wear the big spongey suit! Everybody loves to get baffled. It is currently my major focus.
Sylvia DeGrotto - 11/8/2024 10:22amEntry 1: Me, the parasite in my psyche, and I.
I'm not supposed to be a psychic. Paris, the parasite I'm host to, just so happens to absorb ambient psychic energy from my environment, and it turns out after years and years of all of that building up, it has to go somewhere.
I wasn't aware of Paris' existence until recently (I've named him Paris because much like the figure from mythology, he takes more than he gives, causes problems, and cannot be a trusted decision-maker). My life's been normal otherwise, I was looking into colleges, considering what I want to do with my life, when suddenly a knock on the door--my fridge door, of all things, but I suppose teleportation isn't always reliable--lead to the revelation that if I don't learn to use this psychic energy being nurtured within me, it will use itself. With possibly disastrous consequences.
Psyhigh has been pretty great about getting me quickly set up with remote classes. My mom's skeptical about the viewing orb, and I keep worrying that I'm going to break it every time I sneeze, but I've been able to start attending lessons that I've been told are "necessary for my continued survival." I'm learning the basics of how to protect my energy, manifest my power, and I'm getting a crash course in psychic history.
Turns out, psychic parasites don't usually choose a human host. They tend to latch onto animals: That "church grim" down the street could very well be an infested dog, with a parasite feeding off the ghosts of the graveyard. I've been told to avoid places like this. I've also been told to avoid airports, hospitals, farms, and banks. I'm especially forbidden from physically attending Psyhigh until I can keep a proper lid on Paris, who would probably view my classmates' energy as a metaphysical snack. He's too engrained in my psyche to be properly removed without reconfiguring who I am as a person, which isn't an appealing option.
My role as host to this parasite means I'm sort of an anchor for the energy it accumulates. I don't really know what happens if I have too much of it in and around me. Probably the "disastrous consequences" I was vaguely told about. I'm starting to practice using it though. My academic advisor taught me how to talk to the plants in my background, but those have always given me a bad vibe. I have more of a brown thumb than a green one... Well, turns out there's a reason. My background is home to several dryadic spirits, and they all HATE me. At least, they hate Paris. Trees and parasites of any sort don't mix well. Also Paris has been leeching their energy for over a decade now. So I'm just trying to stay clear of the backyard. With all my other restrictions, I'm spending more and more time in my room. The sooner I can just this under control, the better.
I'm hoping to make friends. It would make live a lot less lonely right now. Paris isn't very good company. I'll keep everyone updated on how things go.
Sylvia DeGrotto, signing off.
Tree - 11/8/2024 10:11amhi! i just got here at phyhigh(do you call it that?) from that hole in the fence near the skate park. The one closest to the no trespassing sign, not the other two. I used to get here from the hole in the fence that leads to the wash, with all the litter, but this is wayyy closer lol. anyways, im tree from az, going into the general education/extraterrestrial studies courses, but im taking some shape shifting and time travel electives so you might see some other past and future mes around in your classes. feel free to say hi if you see them! but i might more a bit shy, im still getting the hang of not horribly disrupting my past and causing major personality shifts. there is one that in my class from some disruption and oh my god its so annoyinggg. anyways see you(saw you?)!
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