Melonia Hydrox
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1/15/2025 11:38pmFinally made contact with some hivemates from the UXIKRA. Cassie and Rylan. They don't know why this nightnight story is so full of NPCs either, and they haven't found anybody else but me. Still no sign of Ling but she's just got to be around somewhere. Sure was nice to find some familiar faces though. Well, their faces are different, but we're all us inside.
My right hand still stings--now it's all dry and cracked. Somebody must have turned the hyper-realistic dermatological issues up a little too high. Going to make a note of it for the satisfaction survey. Usually those are just like, whatever, but I'm putting together a whole list of critiques for this one.
But! Fallen into a groove with the daily routine. There's somebody in my Unreal Maths class that I have a crush on, and I don't care if they're an NPC. Just doing my best to enjoy the nightnight tale! They say that's what you're supposed to do.
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11/17/2024 10:11pmI think my nightnight drive needs some calibration. Who do I talk to about that? I'm getting interference or something on my right hand -- it stings like its been burned, which is really distracting and, frankly, painful. I'm confident that "lingering painful malady" was NOT supposed to be part of the standard operating experience. Also, I keep smelling that burnt orange smell. Who does a girl need to talk to about getting that adjusted?
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Back to School 2024 - 9/22/2024 10:41pmI'm finding it hard to keep up with my schoolwork. Part of me is like "but it's just dreams in the longlong pod" and it doesn't really matter, right? But then there's all this anxiety if I don't do it.
I guess they make the nightnight drive a little hard or your brain would go soft. That's what Ling told me but I can't find her anywhere. Or anybody who will say who they are back in the UXIKRA. Why didn't somebody tell me the plan was to stay in character the whole time? I totally would not have agreed to this.
7/23/2024 10:51pmWhen you're in the longlong pods, dreams can get very repetitious. That's where the nightnight drive comes in. So you don't go all "crazy" during hibernasleep. We all had to take a training about it.
This story is especially fun. So many interesting NPCs! But where are all my hivemates? And are you smelling that smell? Like burnt oranges?
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Say Hello! - 5/28/2024 10:42pmThere was an accident or something on the UXIKRA so they made everybody get into the longlong pods. On account of not having enough power for regular life support. Plus it's gonna take FOREVER now since the reactor is broken too.
So they plugged us in to the nightnight drive and here I am! And let me tell you it is sooooo realistic!
My family's quarters were in B978c. How about you?
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