Oh i'M nORMal nOw. iF yOu CAll 3 fEEt tALL ANd cOveRED iN BlOOd NOrMAL!!! oooEEY STICky bLOOD! iT wON't coME OfF mEEEEE!!! HElP @
Nobody hELP!!!
plink plink! tap tap tap! ooooh gee i hope somebody can still hear me my little tiny fingernails barely make a noise on this big glass but ooooooooooo that is a big scary face who is it out there i wonder it looks like @
Pearline but eeeeek those giant teeth i hope they dont shake the jar agin @
Silverfawn because i m so lil i could just fall straight out of one of the tiny airholes in the top oh me oh my this is no good
oh me oh my i m getting so darn tiny i don't know what imma gonna do!! it is getting so hard to even make an exclamatoon point because I gotta put my tippy toes on the shift key and reach way up high and barely pull down the 1 key with my fingertips oooooo i do wish i had found that @
Nobody at the dance but everybody was so tall all i could do was run between the boots and the pine needles oh me oh my i just don't know
Life without my magic staff is beginning to take its toll. I can barely reach the doorknobs of the classrooms; I really have to scramble to get up on the chairs; and I have to be on my knees to reach the desk! I've been getting away with toddler clothes, but pretty soon I'm going to have to move to doll clothes and then I don't know what!
Please, if you have my staff, I must have it back! I was told that @
Nobody has it, but I don't know how to get into the senior dorms. And they have one of those "you must be this tall to enter" signs anyway.
Will I find @
Nobody at the dance? With the other "cool kids" like @
Scilph, or @
Pearline, or @
Alexander, or @
Gretel? Even if I do, the best I'll be able to do is grab their ankles. This is becoming a real problem!
My magic staff has not turned up and I am becoming very concerned! DO NOT TOUCH! It may disguise itself as an ordinary walking stick or broom or snake or downed powerline but you MUST resist the urge to pick it up. Use only Mindy brand guaranteed Mystic Insulated gloves and goggles if you see it. And if you notice a friend suddenly sprouting long golden locks and exhibiting arcane energy in excess of 5000 kilorads on the Bentlow Arcane scale, please ping me.
REWARD: Has anybody seen my magic staff? I left it in the library last night but it's not in the lost and found. If found, DO NOT TOUCH UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES! Just message me here.