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6/16/2021 8:31am

Oops, accodently pressed post too early on my last post!

So she asked me this, and I said "Well, I dont stop smiling because I dont want to feel constant pain" in response.

You see, I was born with an odd condition called formaxillism, which means my upper jaw muscles and bones are extremely thick and strong. My lower jaw muscles and bones are also much weaker. Because of this, i have to constantly use my upper jaw bones and muscles (which makes me smile) so I will not have to use my lower jaw bones and muscles, because if I do, because my lower jaw is very weak, I will feel bad pain.

Anyways, Annie comes into the room. "Where were you?" I ask angrily, still smiling.

"Long story short, Vincent and your other siblings accidentally tried to kill me, but I escaped" she says to me.

I have no idea why or what or anything about that besides what she told me, but it dosent matter, because we got through the day with Annie, just fine.

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6/17/2021 8:44am

Today at lunch, when me and Annie were looking at clouds alone, we start talking to each other.


"Yes Sweetie?"

"Did my siblings really try to kill you?"



"Yes Sweetie?"

"Please dont be mad at them. We have been betrayed by people we trusted. A lot. In that room, Sophu initially thought you locked us in there. Hungry for an explanation, everyone but me agreed with her. When we found out Sophu's dad did it, everyone but my siblings dropped the theory. They thought you were still up to something, and they thought you were being too nice. I am the only one in my family who immediantly trusts almost anyone, stranger or not, so ive been hurt a lot. They were just trying to protect me, is all." I say.


"Yes Annie?"

"Why did you come to psyhigh?"

I sigh.

"Brace yourself, its quite a story. You see, my dad worked in the United States army. My mom was a stay at home mom. My mom was the nicest, kindest person I ever met. Right before I was born, my dad was told he had to go to war. Shortly after I was born, we got news dad didnt make it out alive. I never met him, and Vincent nor Hailey or Wailey can remember him. But Bailey, Kailey, and mom knew him well. It hurt them a lot. My mom realized she couldnt take care of us by herself, as no more money was being made and she couldnt find a good job. She had to marry someone who had been asking her for quite some time. She didnt like him. We didnt either. But she married this person that she didnt like, just so we could have a good life. He sucked. My step-dad was a rich snob. He didnt care about us. He abused us. But he had enough money to keep us alive. He hurt me and my siblings. But he abused Wailey the most. Hailey tried to help, but if she did, her punishment would be worse. One night, when I was about four, everyone got togeather to watch a movie. As the movie was about to start, we heard a scratching sound from the back door. We ignored it at first, but we heard it a second time soon after, and my step dad went to investigate. Time had passed since he left. Too much time. I go to check on him. I go to the kitchen, where the backdoor is, and in the corner of the room, I found my step dad had been brutally murdered. Ill spare you the details on the body, but it was bad. I rushed to tell everyone else, but the wild pack of wolves had already broken through the window and had already brutally murdered my mom. My mom. The nicest person ever was dead. They leaped at me, but i ducked under the table, dropping the lit candle and starting the fire. The fire was distracting the wolves, so I took the oppurtunity and rushed upstairs. As I ran into Vincents room (the only room with a window, which will be important later), I find my sibling cowering near the window, prepared to jump out if neccesary. I also notice Hailey holding Wailey, who was clearly scratched in the neck by wolves, tearing out her vocal cords. Her bloody body is asleep, but Hailey is crying. The wolves burst in the room, the raging fire burning behind them. The walk slowly towards us. We know we have to jump through the window. So we do. First Hailey, holding Wailey, then Vincent, Kailey, Bailey, and finally, me. It was on the second story, so we all had bruises from the fall (except Wailey), but nothing serious. We rush Wailey to the hospital. We have to use the little money we had so we could pay for Waileys hospital visit. We had nothing to inherit, because the wolves and fire destroyed everything. The will officially made Hailey our caretaker, which slightly aggravated Bailey and Kailey, who are older than her, but they dont mind anymore. We had to live on the streets. the only thing left of our old life was going to school. We discovered our abilities on the streets. We had to resort to eating stray cats. We got picked on at school, and all of our teachers except Ms.Mary Jane despised us. But worst of all, we started to trust people, and people started betraying us. We had only five true friends: Jessica Ericson, Leslie and Lewis Boieu, Fred Newmore, and Experiment #77, also known as Vincent 2.0. We had to drop out of school, because we didnt have the money to stay enrolled, and Hailey tirelessly looked for a school we could go to. This was the only one we could enroll in with such a small budget, and it was perfect for us, because we could learn how to control and improve our skills. So thats why we enrolled here." I say, almost panting from how long it was.

Silence. Whats your response, Annie?

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Sweetie asks questions
6/17/2021 11:44am

I used to ask questions on this story every day. Im going to continue it, even though NO ONE EVER ANSWERS MY QUESTIONS! I mean, i ask these in hope someone will answer them. @Annie Sweet, and literally everyone else,

Sweetie asks questions
6/17/2021 11:46am

Oops! Pressed post too soon. Anyways, Annie, and literally everyone else, someone please answer my questions!!


Is 'your mo

Sweetie asks questions
6/17/2021 11:47am

Oops! Pressed post too soon. Anyways, Annie, and literally everyone else, someone please answer my questions!!

Anyways... dang too soon again.

Is 'your mom' a month of the year? Someone told me it is.

6/18/2021 2:22pm

Oki dokes, sophu!!! Good to see your still doing stuff on here.

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6/20/2021 11:14am


"Yes Sweetie?"

"Hailey and Wailey's birthday is the 23rd of june, its in 3 days. Do you think you can get a gift for each of them and come to their party?"

"Sure, Sweetie!"

Yes! I want Hailey and Wailey's birthday to be perfect. Ive invited as many of our friends as possible. I ask each of them to bring one gift for Hailey, and one for Wailey. If you looked at my OG journal, you would know they're twins. Some people have already arrived with gifts. Im making sure the decor is right. All my old friends are here.

Theres Fred Newmore, Ms. Mary Jane, the ghost of Hannah Arias (LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG story. Only some of it is posted), and, wait, Leslie and Lewis Boieu and Jessica Ericson are here too!!! I thought they went missing!!

"Where in the world were yall?" I ask them.

"Well, to be honest, we went on vacation without telling anyone!" They replied, Leslie snickering.

Thats so like them. I should probably tell you what all my buds look like.

Fred is...the most normal person ever. His hair is a normal blond in a normal style, with normal eyes and normal face. His voice was normal, and he wore very normal looking clothes. His personality was normal too, except for his large amount of kindness and many fears ( he and Vincent hate spiders and bugs with a passion of 1000 suns). Ms. Mary Jane's skin has a lifht form of tan. Her skin is still very light and pale, as she almost never leaves the School. She has a large head and a stern look on her face, even though her mouth is stuck in a large, crooked smile. She is very old school, wearing a 1910 teacher outfit of a beige button up shirt, a gray skirt, white socks, and black Mary Janes ( fitting, right?). She is very thin, and has graying black hair. She towers over even me, Wailey is less than a third of Ms. Mary Jane's height. Leslie is very young, she is only 10. But she is very intellegent, so she has skipped enough grades to be with kids at least 4 years older than her. She has large, curious eyes, and even though she is smart, she seldom acts like it. Lewis has pale orange hair, just like Leslie, and also has large, curious eyes. He is about 15, he is as tall as a 17 year old, but his face and skin are like a twelve year olds. No one knows how he looks old and young like i do. Jessica has blond hair, and her face is layered with makeup, so it is hard to see how her skin looks. And Hannah looks like, well...a ghost.

Its good to have my friends back.

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6/23/2021 2:07pm

Really? I am not a scary owl. Im not an owl. And im not scary.

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Dear Annie sweet
6/25/2021 11:51am


The universe.
7/3/2021 10:22am

"Hello. Today we are going to talk about our Universe. Which might also be a multiverse. But, first things first, what shape is the universe? Banana shaped? No. Crocodile shaped? No. Universe shaped? Yes, the Universe is universe shaped, good job. But for real, the Universe can be open, closed, flat, or banana shaped. To know which one it is, you simply need to measure the sum of the angles of a really big triangle. If the Universe were open, you would get less than 180 degrees. If the Universe were closed, you would get more than 180. And only if the Universe is flat, you would get 180 degrees, like on a flat sheet of paper. So pick two galaxies that are really far away, and measure the angle of the formed triangle. Unless you are not living on a black hole, you should get 180 degrees. That proves our Universe is flat, just like the Earth. Or it might not be flat and the curvature is so small we cant detect it. But most likely it's flat. What does that mean? The Universe is infinite. Very infinite. Now, hold on a second. If the Universe is infinite, how could it have expanded from the Big Bang? It's because it didn't expand from one infinitely dense singularity, our Observable Universe did. The rest of the Universe was still infinite, but also infinitely dense, which would just give us this crud (0× Infinity=undefined). Thats why we need to unify these bad boys (Einstien and another dude). What if we were to travel to the edge of our Observable Universe? First if all, it's impossible. The space is expanding faster to the speed of light. But still, what would we find? Most likely-more Universe. And it goes on like that forever. What does that mean? Everything. If our Universe is truly infinite, everything is possible. Everything that has a non-zero probability of happening, will happen somewhere very far away, in our infinite Universe, an infinite amount of times. Half life 3, Bloodbourne 2 on PC, everything remotely possible. Just imagine, there are infinite versions of you right now somewhere, doing exactly the same thing as you right now. There are also infinite versions of you that are billionaires, or that died a long time ago. But wait, theres more -all of this is happening only in our Universe. But there may be infinite other universes, inside a bigger Multiverse. This Multiverse is permeated by an inflation field. Each time there are disturbances in this field, a new bubble universe may be born. That is the case for our infinite Universe. Now hold on a second. You may ask - how the hell is it possible our Universe is infinite, if it is inside something? If it were truly infinite, wouldn't it occupy all the available space? A good analogy is to think of our Universe as all the numbers between zero and one. There is an infinity of them. But even if they are infinite, they are contained inside this bigger number range, which is also infinite. I know its counterintuitive but that's how the Multiverse works. Don't blame me, I didn't create it. Also, a cool thing is that the other Universes inside the Multiverse can have different laws of physics. So who knows, maybe there are crocodile shaped Universes after all. But the Multiverse is also probably infinite, and it would contain an infinite number of bubble Universes, some of which may be infinite themselves. Comebine that with the Many-Worlds interpretation, which says that reality splits almost infinitely each moment, and you have got yourself a crap-ton of infinities. Now how does it feel knowing that everything you can dream of happens in some parallel Universe, and that you will never be able to interact with it, hence the name - parallel - not intersecting. That's all I have to say today kids!" Everybody looks at me for a long time. The kids look like they're having existensial crisises. Annie is amazed. Silent. "Who wants to play kickball?" I ask. The kids raise their hands. I think i stopped the crisises.

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