Jacob Gryffon
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Reality Warp Tour - 12/30/2018 10:36pmUpdate: I got detention.
Nobody seemed to believe that the Reality Warping classroom has a mind of its own and coated itself with graffiti. Yes, I kept spray cans in my backpack. BUT I DIDN’T DO IT!!!
There’s actually more people in detention today than I expected. I’m sitting in the back left corner of the room, next to where all the Psyience projects are being kept, if someone wants to come pass notes or something.
There’s a girl in front of me who is tapping on the table with her fingers and it’s really starting to annoy me,
Reality Warp Tour - 12/29/2018 5:06pmThe strangest thing happened to me last night. I was with my friends behind the Reality Warping classroom of Psyhigh. You see, there’s a wall the that looks like it’s made of bricks and it’s just boring. So we brought out our shared collection of spray paint to- I don’t know- brighten it up a little? Anyway, we got to work and had barely tagged our names when the wall began to decorate itself in a range of colors and textures- I think one portion of the building started growing grass. But it didn’t stop there. The graffiti is spreading to the surrounding area- all trees, footpaths and buildings on the far west side of Psyhigh are now coated in patterns. I just wanted to say to all teachers, staff and faculty- it’s not my fault!