Who do you love?

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Burns Warmer
- 2/2/2024 10:11pm

I'd like to give a shout out to my friend Heddy, because when we go to 7-11 together you can see your breath.

Ms. Hazeltine
- 1/31/2024 11:40pm

Hello Students!

It's my most favorite time of the year -- when we are all given the freedom to express our true feelings to those we care most about! Whether they even notice can be a different affair, but I feel my sweetie @Seketus Reed's ice is just about to crack.

And it's the time for us all to express our appreciation, love, and respect for those around us. It doesn't have to be as romantic as Seketus and I's special relationship. Indeed, how could it be? But we can all find things to love about even the most banal people around us, and it's good to let them know. Once a year, anyway.

So this month, use this space to give a shout out to your most favorite students on campus and let them know how much they're appreciated. And why!

It's our month-long electronic Valentines Spectacular. Post your kudos today.


A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator

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