Luna Spectralwraith
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9/7/2024 11:56pmWhat attracts Spectralwraiths in the first place? Good karma? Bad karma? That's what most people want to know. What can they do to gain the attention of a Spectralwraith? What can they do to remove themselves from the attention of a Spectralwraith once they have it?
Truth is, it's more of a static electrical charge. An imbalance of negative and positive energies.
And yeah, sometimes you get a shock.
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8/15/2024 8:45pmPeople get excited about a spectralwraith "conjuntion" but really it's not as mystical as all that. If a pair (or more) of us end up making an appearance together, we're usually just catching up and talking about work, since we don't really see each other in person that much.
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6/3/2024 11:52pmI don't think most people know what to do with two Spectralwraiths in their room, much less three. So I make all my first visits solo, and if it seems promising I'll see if I can schedule another Spectralwraith to come with me for the follow up. But there aren't really that many of us, and most wraiths are booked up for months in advance.
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4/6/2024 10:10pmThere used to be a law that you couldn't have more than two Spectralwraiths in your room at the same time but then they changed it to three.
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Who do you love? - 2/11/2024 9:15pmI would like to recognize all the Spectralwraiths that came before me: Archie, Deimos, Belinda, Galatea, Janus, Kale, Thebe, Rhea, Cordelia, Proteus, Elara, Bianca, and forgive me for anyone I may have missed!