A candy corn fell on my head today and I looked up and it was two witches perched on a telephone wire.
Having a great Orientation Week at Psyhigh! Still getting my bearings, so its been really helpful to visit the Sameness Stations when I get confused. Great idea!
For the comfort and convenience of new students, Sameness Stations have been set up throughout campus. Students can visit the Sameness Stations at any time during the school day to find some familiarity in the midst of their new surroundings.
The Sameness Stations are easily recognizable for their brown, cardboard color, being built out of large cardboard boxes acquired from the Science Lab. A number of new appliances were recently installed at the lab, and @
Janitor Pete thoughtfully rescued these large boxes from the recycling.
Students visiting the Sameness Stations will be entertained by short skits performed with haunted Javanese sock puppets by members of the Active Psychic Student Alliance. These skits depict scenes from everyday life outside the school, such as visiting the grocery store or post office or juvenile court. It is their hope that these familiar vignettes will help students adjust more seamlessly to life at Psyhigh.
Enjoy! And a heartfelt welcome to all new students!
Big Jim
Student Activities Coordinator
Class of '99
Really enjoying ORIENTATION WEEK and making so many new friends and finally finding a place where my Zapping powers don't hurt people! As much. If I accidentally Zap here and somebody's head gets in the way it just turns into a chicken head or something. A TINY chicken head, not a monster chicken head. And only for a little while. Which is way better than exploding it which is what would happen in my home town. And it's what happened TO my home town. Which is why it isn't on the map any more. So they said I could come here, to Psychic High School, or... well they didn't really have another option (because my Zaps) but I don't mind because like I said this school is really great and seems to have protection and psychic dampeners and stuff in place so I can make friends. And maybe even learn to control my Zaps!!