Flying Bike Club
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Tara Yau - 3/30/2017 6:23pmFlying Bike Club is here!
A lot of us have been building flying bikes, so I thought it was a good time to start a Flying Bike Club, where we can all get together and ride and exchange our ideas about flying bike construction.
We'll meet on Saturday morning at 11am near the apple orchard, where @
Randy Bernstein's Intramural Flying Club used to meet. There are good places to take off and land down there.
Even if you don't have a flying bike, feel free to come and watch! Just don't ask to ride anybody's bike. ;)
Glitter - 3/30/2017 8:15pmHey, can I join?
Mouthy Rogers - 3/31/2017 2:22pmI'll be at the Flying Bike Club rally on Saturday at the apple orchard. You've probably seen me on my Cruiser with the big fat balloon tires. And you've probably tried to touch it and then heard me say "HANDS OFF THE PAINTWORK!" That still applies.
Tara Yau - 4/1/2017 7:18pmThanks to everybody who showed up at Flying Bike Club today! It was really great to hang out and see all the different bike types and learn what we could from each other. From @
Mouthy Rogers' balloon tire method to the Forker sisters' tri-wing model, they were all totally awesome.
For those of you who are just starting out building your own flying bike, remember that it's not the aerodynamics or even aeronautical feasibility that makes our bikes fly, but merely our belief and force of will. Which is clear when you look at my old clunker with the basket and the banana seat. Those pinwheels are just for show!
We took some nice little spins over the campus grounds, but I look forward to some longer road trips in the future. I ride every day, so if you run into me up there in the sky, say hi!
Glitter - 4/1/2017 7:55pmSorry I wasn't there! I was working on some... Pranks.....
Zodiac Mindshare - 4/5/2017 3:15pmYeah my flying bike was stolen and it's totally lame because I loved that flying bike. I left it outside of Alderwood Hall and like a dummy didn't lock it and just ran in for a minute but it was snatched.
It's red, with one big black wing on top and a small black wing on the bottom with knobby turbidity tires and straight handlebars and a Cirrus frame.
If anybody sees it please please please let me know!!!
Selena - 4/7/2017 11:04amLast club meeting I accidentally left my back pack in the back corner of the field outside. It's black with Strange Patterns™ and I would vary much like to have it back fairly quickly. It would be the utmost inconvenience to me if it remained missing. Many thanks.
Tara Yau - 4/8/2017 10:53amJoin us down at the apple orchard this morning for Flying Bike Club! This week's topic: Repair in the Air--Tips & Tricks! Also, Decoding Flying Bike Gang Symbols.
Crystal Rosethorn - 4/9/2017 5:51amI went to Apple Orchards for a break from studying,to watch the flying bikes. It was awesome! One boy(i forget his name) had one with black and red tail fins,one on the bottom and two on the top,or something along those lines. He let me sit on it,and showed me how he flips the tail fins at falling point for an extra speed boost. Pretty exciting stuff. I of course don't have the money,nor the patience or time to do so,so i don't think i'll be joining the flying bike hype any time soon. Anyways Good Day and Good Luck!
Zodiac Mindshare - 4/9/2017 2:40pmYeah I found my flying bike. It was in Woodhull field, not far away from the front of the dorm where it got snatched. Obviously the thieves didn't know how to fly it, which is great because I was getting kind of depressed thinking it was a fellow flying bicyclist. There's totally a commraderie between flying bike pilots and to think any would sink so low as to steal another's flying bike was sad to contemplate.
But no! It was just some low-life non-flying bicylist. I can live with that. Especially since I got Esmerelda back. People think flying bikes just fly themselves, but as all actual flying bicylists know, it's just a state of mind.
So I had a good time showing it to @
Crystal Rosethorn. Such a relief to have it back!
Any luck finding your backpack, @
Selena? I didn't notice any Strange Patterns™ anywhere I'm afraid.
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