Randy Bernstein

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Intramural Flying Club
10/10/2015 5:26pm

Aside from the unexpected downpour, I'd say today's Intramural Flying Club was a total success!

Who could have foreseen that the landing strip would have become such a mud puddle, huh? Only three of our members require traction, not counting @Harry Berger, the observer from the National Levitation Safety Board, who was in fact standing in a designated "no standing" zone during the landing fiasco. However, we're sure that after he regains consciousness he'll been giving us a big A-OK in his report to the board.

Meanwhile, it was a tremendous turnout, and after everyone's gotten out of their muddy clothes and had a bath, we hope that you'll join your fellow flying comrades in finishing off the remainder of the cider and pumpkin spice cookies, which we'll be sharing in the McKenzie Lounge (the one with the fireplace) after dinner tonight.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Randy B.
Levitation Level IX Raptor Scout

Intramural Flying Club
12/27/2015 6:29pm

This is GREAT weather for Intramural Flying Club! Especially since we have recently gained the services of a Premeditated Meteorologist. Psyhigh is lucky to have one of the brightest rising stars in Premeditated Meteorology, and he's arranging blue skies/low wind for the upcoming week!

So take advantage of our advantage, and join us for some great flying all week. Enjoy the best of Solstice Break by "taking the leap" at whatever level you're at. The airspace above the apple orchard will be reserved for beginners, but we've got clearance up to 30,000 feet within 10 miles for our advanced members.

Meet us at 11am every day this week in the apple orchard! Hope to see you there.

Randy B.
Levitation Level IX Raptor Scout

Intramural Flying Club
12/29/2015 12:58am

Well, this post is coming a bit later than I'd have liked. Got caught in a Majnoon and it didn't let me go till Paducah. There was a whole bunch of Conscious Wind activity blowing into Paducah from all directions - Jawnaws, Jannins, Chinuks, Zetters. I had to wait it out in the coffee shop on Murray State campus till it all blew over, and then it was me-powered all the way back. AND BOY ARE MY ARMS TIRED.

But seriously folks, @Dylan, our Premeditated Meteorologist, can't be held responsible for an invasion of mischievous air elementals! I heard he did an excellent job of keeping things sunny, fair, and clear here on our campus.

Join us again tomorrow at 11am in the apple orchard!

Randy B.
Levitation Level IX Raptor Scout

Intramural Flying Club
12/29/2015 2:17pm

Today was certainly smooth sailing for Intramural Flying Club - at least if you stayed beneath the massive ice dome accidentally created by Dylan, our Premeditated Meteorologist, when his warm air mass came in contact with the super-chilled hyper-moist air mass above it.

The ice was mighty clear, so there have been some broken noses and goose eggs and mild concussions, which just underscores the need for proper gear when flying - helmets, gloves, shoulder pads, the whole shebang.

Be safe! Fly high!

Meet us all again in the apple orchard at 11am tomorrow morning for more beautiful Solstice Break intramural flying!

Randy B.
Levitation Level IX Raptor Scout

Intramural Flying Club
12/30/2015 2:32pm

Some unanticipated gusts today - Premeditated Meteorologist Dylan was a little off his game. I'll be scheduling a performance review with him about----

NO WAIT!! STOP!!! *I* AM Randy Bernstein! FROM THE FUTURE!!! I got blown in from this Friday on a particularly strong wind. And I am here to tell you: DO NOT LET @Muy Petunia attempt the double barrel axel roll over the apple orchard tomorrow!! The HORROR! The TRAGEDY!! In fact, under no circumstances let @Muy Petunia anywhere near Intramural Flying Club tomorrow, no matter how much she pleads. I bring you this warning FROM THE FUTURE!!!

....well, thank you, uh, Randy from the future. I, uh... I think I better contact @Lydia Raivata, or someone from Time Team, like @Nova Toaster....

Intramural Flying Club
12/31/2015 4:11pm

It was HORRIBLE! The terror from the skies!!! The PUKE!!!

It was just like me from the future said. We couldn't stop @Muy Petunia from taking flight. She just wasn't ready for it -- she's barely rated Level I -- and there's no way should should have attempted the double barrel axel roll over the apple orchard. The air sickness got to her, and she lost it. And she had had a huge breakfast apparently.

Premeditative Meteorologist Dylan was having a hard time controlling the breezes, which only distributed Petunia's emissions more thoroughly over all of us. The disgusting rain of vomit soaked everything in the area. EVERYTHING.

@Nova Toaster and Morgan were in their HQ tent, debriefing me from the future, so they were spared. I was in the open-air control tower, trying to talk Petunia down, and I'm afraid I got the worst of it.

There's no way this can be allowed to happen. Even once. I need to find a way back into the past and prevent this from happening. Tonight I'll be studying the wind pattern diagrams and the time stream sigils and with Dylan's help, I must find a way to blow myself back into the past and prevent this tragedy from ever occurring.

Tomorrow's Intramural Flying Club is cancelled. Like anyone would want to fly over this barf strewn wasteland. I will take to the skies and the winds of time and make this right.

Randy B.
Levitation Level IX Raptor Scout

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