Time Travel Trailer Field Trip
Hello Students,
This Saturday, 2/21, 2015, I'll be conducting an overnight Time Travel Trailer Field Trip. All eligible students (that is, students not on academic or astral probation) are welcome to sign up, but the trailer is not terribly large, so we'll be on a first-come basis in terms of getting a spot.
For this trip, we'll be going to the Far Future. There is a particular sector of the future that Psyhigh Junior @
time pilot terry has done some excellent research in, and we'll be relying on Terry to show us a good time!
Students should pack their overnight bags as well as their sleeping bags (let me know if you don't have one and we may be able to borrow some from the Psychic Outdoors Club). Also, there's always the chance that we'll be trapped in an alternate timeline indefinitely (if not forever!) so it's always a good idea to bring an extra change of socks and underthings.
The trailer leaves at 10am Saturday, and returns late Sunday afternoon. Let me know if you'd like to attend!
Lydia Raivata
Experiential Temporal Studies and Remote Automotive Mechanics
Psychic High School