Nikki Stone

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Botanopsychic Summer Camp 2023
7/13/2023 9:41pm

Of course I wasn’t invited to the get together at the off-limits Sentient Vegetable Garden, but word gets around. So far none of the Vinemasters have caught wind of it, but I get the feeling @Peregrine Cornflower knows stuff like this is bound to go on and he tries not to know about it.

But somebody’s going to find out about @Benjamin Beans sooner or later. And what’s everybody standing around for?

I’m headed to the Sentient Vegetable Garden tonight.

Botanopsychic Summer Camp 2023
7/3/2023 8:22pm

Naturally I got put in the same Pod as Mx. Mudd -- the only summer camper who has it out for me. But I am making the best of it. Unconditional positive regard! Yes, it sounds corny, but is also a key tenet of Psychobiofloral Harmony.

For instance, it was through the power of unconditional positive regard (and, admittedly, months of meditative practice and dietary discipline) that I was able to win the Wildflower Sprint today. Took over the football field with Black-eyed Susan before any of the other campers had a chance.

Mx. Mudd wasn't expecting that.

Botanopsychic Summer Camp 2023
6/13/2023 9:46pm

Who's here for Botanopsychic Summer Camp 2023?

I just checked into my room in Culpeper dorm and want to know who's ready to play in the dirt!