Arabella Satirn

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The Floating Ampitheaters
10/4/2019 5:12am

Au contraIre, I know nothIng of what you are speakIng. If you are InsInuatIng that *I* would ever harm your dear "party barges", you are far from correct.

New Students Enrolled
9/30/2019 5:16am

Thank you kIndly Hana! I have pIcked up a map and my fIrst few days have went by seamlessly! You'd thInk with all these eyes I'd have an easIer tIme navIgatIng..

Children's Circle
9/27/2019 6:15am

I'm havIng the most dIffIcult tIme rememberIng much from the ChIldren's CIrcle..

I do recall when we all came out of our RevIval Pods.. we danced about like wild faerIes for hours It felt lIke! We were so full of joy back then.. what has happened? It does seem that the days drag on lately.. Even the Instructors seem to drone through transfIguratIon, the spIrIts about the campus seem to fade wIth each comIng day. Oh, how I wIsh we could go back to the days of the ChIldren's CIrcle.. Not a care In thIs world or the next hundred thousand!

Does anyone else remember MIss MargeurIte? And her wonderful dragon's egg cakes?

New Students Enrolled
9/25/2019 6:11pm

DId you learn that from personal experIence?

New Students Enrolled
9/25/2019 9:17am

Hello.. my name Is Arabella. I'm fairly new here.. And In all honesty a bIt flustered by all thIs school has to offer. It's a web of optIons and passageways and It's becomIng overwhelmIng very quIckly. Could someone please help me fInd my way around better? It would be greatly apprecIated, I'm not the best at makIng frIends. (: