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Mulemai Selenei - 4/6/2016 5:16pmSpell to Attract Flowerfolk
One tulip bulb
Three rose petals, ground into fine powder
Seven inches of a sunflower stalk, crushed
Four drops of holy water
A Ceramic Bowl
A Cherry Wood Spoon
A Silver Knife
1. Put bowl with holy water over the redflame. Allow the holy water to evaporate, then bottle the Holy Water Vapor for later use.
2. Remove bowl from flame and mix together rose petals and sunflower stalk with your hands until you have a smooth paste.
3. Cut the tulip bulb into three wedges. Roll two of the wedges into the paste.
4. Put bowl back over the flame. Put the third tulip wedge in the bottle of Holy Water Vapor.
5. Stir the rose, sunflower and tulip mixture with the Cherry Wood Spoon without removing it from the flame. After five full rotations with the spoon, begin applying the Holy Water Vapor mixture into the bowl.
6. Leave the bowl in a moonlit windowsill overnight.
7. Harness the magic of the Flowerfolk exactly eleven hours after finishing the spell.
Mulemai Selenei - 4/7/2016 9:33amSpell to Keep Clear Skin
A Marble basin (a bathroom sink might do)
Three red candles with fresh wicks
Two red candles with burnt wicks
Two or three teaspoons of rosewater
A Full moon
1. On a night with a full moon, fill basin to the brim with water and light the candles with burnt wicks
2. Add the rosewater one teaspoon at a time, such that the water just begins to overflow while humming a tune that has significance to you (Amazing Grace, Brahms's Lullaby, whatever song you like)
3. Arrange the three fresh candles around the basin such the one is directly across from you and the others are across from each other. Light each candle one at a time, counterclockwise, focusing on the areas of skin on which you desire clarity.
4. Dip your face shallowly in the basin once for each area of skin that you wish to be clear, concentrating on each area as you dip.
5. Humming the previous song, blow out each candle one at a time, clockwise.
6. Dispose of the water on a moonlit patch of lawn.
7. Blow out the first two candles
Mulemai Selenei - 10/3/2017 3:35pmA Spell to Avoid Being Noticed by Someone You Haven't Seen Since High School
- A graphite pencil
- A crumpled piece of notebook paper
- A lock of your own hair, cut with a silver knife
- Two tsp of subjects saliva
- A straw
- A match
1) using the graphite pencil, write the subjects middle name on the crumpled piece of paper.
2) tear a small piece off of the paper. Set aside.
3) wrap the paper around your hair and light the whole thing on fire with the match.
4) douse the smaller piece of paper with saliva.
5) apply saliva soaked paper to subjects skin using the straw
Good for four hours of being ignored
Lilx - 11/27/2017 5:52pmHow to get rid of clowns within 10 miles of you
-Oversized shoes
-Planchette (ouija board marker)
-Red ball
-Holy water
-Pot of boiling lava from The land Palned of hell
-five hairs of a blue cat
-three spider eyes
Stir lava and holy water.
Add the hair and mix till gone.
Crush the spider eyes with shoes and add them both mix till smooth.
add in wig to make putty consistancy and spread out till the size of a shirt.
Rip up the red ball into millions of pices and spell out letters on the putty.
use the Planchette and see the word he spells.
say the word and all clowns will be gone.
Lilx - 11/27/2017 6:15pmHow to get rid of clowns within 10 miles of you
-Oversized shoes
-Planchette (ouija board marker)
-Red ball
-Holy water
-Pot of boiling lava from The land Palned of hell
-five hairs of a blue cat
-three spider eyes
Stir lava and holy water.
Add the hair and mix till gone.
Crush the spider eyes with shoes and add them both mix till smooth.
add in wig to make putty consistancy and spread out till the size of a shirt.
Rip up the red ball into millions of pices and spell out letters on the putty.
use the Planchette and see the word he spells.
say the word and all clowns will be gone.
Chalice - 11/28/2017 4:57pmHow to Make a Magic Rubber Chicken
One Rubber Chicken
Two teaspoons of stardust
Half a cup of chicken broth
One oak stick
A toothpick
First mix stardust and broth. Then poke a large hole in the chicken and pour broth mixture through the hole. Then stick the stick in the hole. Then wave around to conjure anything. Just say what you want! Good for 15 wishes per chicken.
Harlow - 12/13/2019 7:44amHow to call a merman:
Essence of Chai
Two charmed seashells
men's underwear
crumbs of sea scumb
Mix together with diluted saltwater, bake beneath the sun, and repeat the incantation spell 10 times. He should appear within the next 30 minuted.
A note of warning: Mermen are very stingy with their time, if you are going to be asking for an extent of time, you will need to be very convincing in your reasons, if you fail to convince him, it may result in him stealing what little time you have left.
Basilton Pitch - 1/1/2020 9:28amBasic spell to rid yourself of annoying siblings
You will need:
-a singular lock of the hair of however many siblings you need to rid yourself of
-a bucket of live eels
-the eyes of a three legged cat
-an object that you think represents the sibling(s) in question
- a large holding container, such as a tub
-375 litres of scalding hot water
-a silver knife
1.) Pour all of the water into your very large holding container. Immediately afterwards, put in the hair, cats eyes, and half of your eels. Stir until the all of the eels die and the eyes don't look like eyes anymore. You should work quickly to make sure that your water doesn't cool down before you finish the first step.
2.) Stab each of the representational objects with the silver knife three times-- no more, no less.
3.) Place the objects into your mixture, stir until loosely combined.
4.) Dump the rest of your eels into the mixture and mix until they die.
5.) Your done! You can now enjoy at least 72 hours, free of siblings!
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