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the new life rejuvenated
2/11/2020 12:38pm

oh yeah so where do you see badges

This New Weird Life
2/11/2020 12:37pm

It's okay I was being quite mean to you I am deeply sorry and I didn't know you were such a nice person I usually meet people very selfless and mean will you accept my apology I didn't mean to be rude.Well I do have a hair dryer

the new life rejuvenated
2/11/2020 10:56am

I have a idea based on Clark they are keep multiplying well we could dry them out they can't live without slime they are intelligent to be careful I wish you all luck(;

p.s we should use hair dryers to dry them out....

How does that sound??????????????????????????????????????

the new life rejuvenated
2/11/2020 10:53am

I fell and fell in a potion and I turned into a big dragon with light blue wings and the rest of my body is black I was wondering what got you into this.I never knew that enormous slugs were real in school like my shoes will become dirty if I saw the slugs and am i bulling you???? If I am im deeply sorry I have been going throujgh lots of stuff I had to get slug slime off the walls with my delicate claws.I wonder what im going to do today???????????//// I have been working and working for a badge well when will I get one and do you have a badge I try my best so I should get one I am so happy that I won the championship as the prettiest dragon I wish I was a unicorn I know that rejuvenated means I died and came back to life but I just love the phrase .

2/11/2020 10:43am

hello everyone sorry for burning your guts livlife but i am the best and you will never be

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This New Weird Life
2/11/2020 10:36am

I don't know you actually because I live with 2 older sisters.I actually don't bully people at my school we have a bag you put who is being bullied in the bag.And now I know your sister has brown eyes do you have any other sisters???? And unicorns are mean if you are mean so yeah I am so nice that I am letting you go for now but if you bully me I will turn you into a all black pig with a ugly snout and call you snotafobic.

the unicorn party
2/11/2020 9:13am

unicorns rule foxes drool

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This New Weird Life
2/11/2020 9:12am

hey so you did that liv but I just went in your bed and cut the spirt foxes head off what a sight that face you made was like 100% ugly im sorry im better than you but i love sparkles I threw sparkles everywhere and I smile and im not ugly i have green eyes but you won't understand I love my life with no terrible slugs I happened to turn them into unicorns I love unicorns but you like spirts oh they haunt you

the unicorn party
2/11/2020 7:13am

me and used to slugs party and eat lots of chips and i have lots of fun and we drink sparkles water

2/11/2020 6:32am

hi i have heard that i the unicorn made the slugs into beautiful unicorn with magic (:

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