Sorry about my last post - I had forgotten to take my anti-sibilance medication.
Ahem. My associates have a large hoard of gold and jewels they would be happy to trade for the Heart of Psyhigh. They've been amassing this treasure for centuries, so it's not hot or anything, and you should have no problem moving it.
They are VERY interested in acquiring the Heart, and I think you'd have an easy time negotiating a fair price. The only thing is that the jewels and gold come wet, so you might have to spend some time drying them off and removing the seaweed and barnacles and sardines and stuff.
I think that dependzzzz on what kind of crime club we want to beeeeee, @
patrick. Are we ssssspsychic chrono-cat burglerszzz? Or are we the ssssspsychic crime kingpins of tomorrow, pulling off the most audacioussss, high profile crimeszzz we can think of? Personally, I ssssupport the latter.
I have some associates who would be very interested in getting their clutches on the Heart of Psyhigh. Theese asssociates have very deep pockets, @
Tammy Reins. Very deep indeed. Have you considered paying a visit to the school dance?