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Dimension Hopping
10/29/2017 12:30pm

My ritual will involve a dove's feather and a raven feather. I need to mold them together using the saliva of a lynx and place them within the trunk of an oak tree. Once that is done, I need to state my dimension and my name. If I am deemed worthy to return, I will be successful.

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Dimension Hopping
10/28/2017 3:33pm

@Rowanne Polyxena
I am still stuck on Earth but I’ve done a bit of research. It turns out that I can get back if I perform a holy ritual of my dimension. If I do it wrong, I will be stuck in the interdimensional void forever. I’m scared to try it. I’ll be attempting to return on Halloween. Wish me luck!

Dimension Hopping
10/26/2017 2:48pm

What even is this dimension? Luckily, I seemed to have picked up English in my first 5 minutes here. I found what is called a computer and started searching for my old school in dimension 145045. Hopefully, I can contact some of my friends through this and get back home. I should have never tried teleporting to another dimension without the permission of my teacher. If you can read this, I'm so sorry Mr. Ahavah.