Ben Hardy is almost better. He's been in the waiting room since he arrived, trying to put his mind together, but I trust he'll give up soon and leave it behind.
The waiting room provides visitors with familiar surroundings. Most outgrow it when they realize they've lost their attachment to it. There are the stubborn few, however, cowered in the corners, mumbling. Eventually we relieve them of their pain.
The first steps out the door are the hardest. Naturally, there's an initial feeling of being cognitively disabled, since you're at a disadvantage, having to generate thoughts and time in a whole new way. Newcomers spend most of their time sleeping, then sit for short periods awake, learning to concentrate and initiate the cascade event that will bring them into full awareness. To the extent each is able.
As for @
distantTim--his whereabouts are unknown. Has he ping-ponged off to rip holes in the minds of countless others? Has he taken up residence in the Ben Hardy mechanical? He's outside the spectrum my sisters and cousins and I are able to access, and remains at large.
For now, we bring Ben fresh magazines, and let him know he is loved.
The walls between our world and yours are permeable, porous, and penetrable. But there's a reason we prefer to stay behind the screens, waving and whispering from two-way mirrors and windows.
It's holes.
The holes necessary for me to visit you in your dreams are very small. Impossibly small, actually. That's the only way it can work.
As soon as you try to pass anything more massive than transcendental spooky kabuki, it means tearing real holes. In reality.
These holes can get torn from either direction, and once ripped open they tend to grow, given the strain of the surface tension. Once they grow, anything can start slipping through.
I am visiting Psyhigh these days, but only in your dreams, ping-ponging around your heads at night. Or sometimes in the afternoons, you nappers.
It’s considered bad form, frankly, to do a full-body takeover. Unless it’s an emergency, but even then, somewhat distasteful.
Me and my sisters have been doing it for a long time. Sisters and cousins. Sometimes we have gray skin, sometimes brown. Usually it’s in a bright and sunny right-before-you-wake-up dream, because that’s when your mind is the most open.
We talk in bed.
I’ve got some things to tell you, so I’m looking forward to meeting each and every one of you!
You can tell me by my jewelry.