I finally got out of time revesal therapy. Walking into @
Wanda Watkins' reverse time experiment in the Biodome's reality generators really threw me for a loop! From now on I will pay attention to the TDI (Time Direction Indicator) when I'm playing in there.
Speaking of, Old Goldie (Sandbox 59a) got selected as the winner for the Psychic Ecology Club competition and was submitted to the administration to be released from the sandbox but guess what? Yep. They're refusing to release it. I mean, in forward-time motion. It was the clear winner as the model of an achievable future where an advanced technological civilization lives in balance with a closed planetary eco-system, so why are they resisting?
Their excuse is that they've already set it in motion.
Hmmph. Well, we'll see if my reverse-time memories unfold.
?tuo teg I nac nehw dnA ?@
Wanda Watkins ,nur annog gniht siht si regnol hcum woH
.ereht yaw rieht no saw ydobyreve bmud woh gniees ,gnitartsurf tsuj s'ti ,pmuh taht revo er'ew taht won ,yawynA
.esrever ni neppah lla ti gnihctaw das saw tI
.rehtegot ydobyeve tpek tahw si )?msivitarepo-oc ro( msitaroproc ,lavivrus ot nwod tog ti nehw tub ,)tnemnrevog eht fo daetsni( tsilaicos tnew taht sproc eht saw ti taht driew saw tI .rehtegot gnihtyreve gnidloh pu dedne taht latipac etaroproc saw ti tub ,erots ynapmoc eht rof krow ot gnivah ydobyreve ,ypeerc elttil a saw tI .ffuts dna erac htlaeh dna doof uoy teg dluoc dna ,erutcurtsarfni elbatpada na htiw gniht ylno eht erew seinapmoc gib eht esuaceb ,snoitaroproc eht rof krow ot tnew yeht ,xaM daM lla gniog ydobyreve fo daetsni ,nwod ekorb sdoog rof metsys noitubirtsid eht dna deliaf seilppus doof eht sa ,tuB
.seivom eht ni ekil tsuJ .sdrazzilb ,serif ,sthguord ,gnidoolf snaeco ,soahc eht ot gnidda ,seiceps rehto ni snoisolpxe gnisuac snoitcnitxe yek ,tsorfamrep gnitlem eht fo tuo gnilwarc nees reve d'ydobon sesaesid driew ,liaf sporc edam kcahw fo tuo erutarepmeT .esiw-tnemnorivne ,sliar eht ffo yletelpmoc enog dah sgnihT .ereht tog ydobyreve woh ees nac uoy )esruoc fo sdrawkcab( are etaroproc eht hguorht gnissap retfA
!naf eht tih tahw-wonk-uoy laibrevorp eht erehw thgir m'I esuaceb ,oot emit ni tsuj dnA .noitom deeps-hgih ni emit esrever ni ylbatrofmoc gnikrow won ma dna ,ssenihctilg eht tuo dekrow I ,lleW
!pu gnihtyna ssem ot ton yrt ll'I ,!pu gnihtyna ssem ot ton yrt ll'I ,@
Wanda Watkins ,yawynA
.won yb yas d'I sseug I neht dna neht rO .won dna neht neewteb ni noitcurtsed yna t'nsaw ereht tub ,snoitaroproc detubirtsid ylhgih rof krow elpoep dna ,metsys yratenom a gnilbmeser gnihtemos llits s'ereht erehw are na deretne yletinifed ev'eW .degnahc sgniht ylkciuq woh llet ot drah s'ti ,noitom tsaf eht htiW
.repapdnas gniwollaws ekiL .oot noitom tsaf tub ,esrever ni gninnur emit si ylno ton esuaceb ,kcisrac sdrawkcab gnieb ekil s'tI .hgU !eidloG dlO otni tnew I erofeb noitcerid emit eht sllet taht ygniht ...eht dekcehc evah dluohs I wenk I !hO,yawynA
.won yb yas d'I sseug I neht dna neht rO .won dna neht neewteb ni noitcurtsed yna t'nsaw ereht tub ,snoitaroproc detubirtsid ylhgih rof krow elpoep dna ,metsys yratenom a gnilbmeser gnihtemos llits s'ereht erehw are na deretne yletinifed ev'eW .degnahc sgniht ylkciuq woh llet ot drah s'ti ,noitom tsaf eht htiW
.repapdnas gniwollaws ekiL .oot noitom tsaf tub ,esrever ni gninnur emit si ylno ton esuaceb ,kcisrac sdrawkcab gnieb ekil s'tI .hgU !eidloG dlO otni tnew I erofeb noitcerid emit eht sllet taht ygniht ...eht dekcehc evah dluohs I wenk I !hO
I’d like to join your Psychic Ecology Club, @
Synthia Humanoid. After all, bubbles in Eco-Time are all we have, innit?
I dreamed of a civilization. A civilization where everyone spent their days pushing buttons. Pushing buttons up. Pushing buttons down. The high and the low, the rich and the poor, the popular and the forgotten... everyone spent their days pushing buttons, up and down.
How relieved I was to wake up in my own bed back in reality, where after a warm bowl of mush I mounted Monty, my trusted Kirin steed, with a mane like fire, whiskers like lightning, and fangs like, well, really big fangs. We sprung into the air and sped over the valley floor, scanning the forest for both friends and foes in need.