Olivia Riley

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All Gates Open
10/28/2021 9:04pm

oh god what is that screeching sound

there have been so many odd noises since @Cami Nullspace took me to the aos sí nurses for eating too much at the apple bobbing bouncy house cuz i had a reaction and i feel real bloated and the nurses wear horsemasks and won't let me look in a mirror i can hardly roll over and when i do there's green slime in my bed

oh god what is that screeching sound i have to get nearer to it i have to let them in

All Gates Open
10/10/2021 10:52pm

oh god i ate way too much at the aos sí apple bobbing mixer and have not been able to pull myself across the big tongue made out of butter to get out of the bouncy house and oh god if another kid jumps one more time i'm totally gonna barf