Boy has it been an eventful few days...
I'd like to first thank @
Huck Phearson for his concern, but nothing hapERR15896455543X1564X981354pened! I took a stroll through around the grounds one afternoon in search of some BEAUTIFUL robots, oh my were they beautiful. And I think that I must have tripped and hit my head or something! Long story short I'm just fine. In fact, I'm better than fine, I'm AMAZING. I have never felt so fantastic. You know, if anyone is ever feeling a little down in the dumps, or even if you are feeling happy, I HIGHLY recommend a walk around the easERR9398009388327XX667Xtern grounds of the campus, I know you'll be happy with what you find!
Signing Off, Juy Gester
I used to have a cousin who worked with golems pretty exclusively too, but we haven't been very close since he left my general proximity and he can't hear me anymore.
Beck I would greatly appreciate a bit of an introduction to golems, maybe I can make some connections to robotics.
Often when programmers who work explicitly with robots observe a behavior not outlined in their code they simply go back in and examine the code again, without any consideration for how the robot feels about it's code. I imagine that the hours of work surrounded by pieces of metal "de-sentiates" the robots in the heads of many programmers, so it's very important to study across-disciplines.
First of all, thank you to @
Huck Phearson and @
Adam Ranger for their interest in my last post. I appreciate you bringing the snack machine to my attention. I love a good misbehaving machine. Generally, top notch programmers think that occurrences like this one tend to be the result of poor programming or a lack of human insight. But really, it's nothing more than a whole bunch of bad attitude. Often times silly sprites can get themselves stuck in wiring which is an understandably painful experience for any machine. @
Huck Phearson I think it will be very easy to get your nine dollars back. I'll be sure to talk to the machine soon.
Adam Ranger , have you ever considered capturing some of the magnificent specimen you describe in your journals? I would love to go on an expedition some time.
Robots are so lovely (and definitely conscious).
First of all, thank you to @Huck+Phearson and @
adam+Ranger for their interest in my last post. I appreciate you bringing the snack machine to my attention. I love a good misbehaving machine. Generally, top notch programmers think that occurrences like this one tend to be the result of poor programming or a lack of human insight. But really, it's nothing more than a whole bunch of bad attitude. Often times silly sprites can get themselves stuck in wiring which is an understandably painful experience for any machine. @Huck+Phearson I think it will be very easy to get your nine dollars back. I'll be sure to talk to the machine soon.
adam+Ranger , have you ever considered capturing some of the magnificent specimen you describe in your journals? I would love to go on an expedition some time.
Robots are so lovely (and definitely conscious).
Enrolling in PsyHigh has been one of my better decisions in life, but the lack of certain courses or opportunities I have found to be very unfortunate. I want to be able to program robots to use psychic abilities as well. I know they can! Just look at robots from Boston Dynamics or experimental stuff at MIT, at least HALF of those robots are sentient and perfectly capable of performing psychic abilities when in the right hands. Unfortunately here at PsyHigh, Sentience and Consciousness Programming I is still not available. Don't get me wrong I love the school, but come on, like really?