Ebony Leary

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5/12/2015 2:50pm

Something wonderful has happened! I've finally received an inquiry about my roommate situation! Unfortunately, I was not in my room when they stopped by, but they left a note. A girl by the name of @Jackie Packerman is interested in rooming with me. Isn't that exciting? According to the note, she cannot help me with my amnesia, but is fine with swatting flies.

The more I think about it, though, the more I wonder whether I should be killing the flies at all. While their constant buzzing and whispering is irritating, they have become quite helpful. In the morning, they bring my shoes to me, and they always try to entertain me by singing songs when I sit in the Empty Room. Their voices are quite horrendous, but the sentiment is nice. The bees make a much lovelier choir, but I would never tell the flies that.

Anyway, I wrote a note back to Jackie. It reads:

Thank you for your response to my fliers! I'm sorry I could not be here to meet you. Are you, by any chance, enrolled in Cephalopod Aura Reading? If you would like to speak with me in person, you can find me under the oak tree near the train tracks, in Room 1142, or in Room 1128. I am rarely anywhere else besides these places and class.

Ebony Leary

I sent the flies to deliver it. I was surprised that it only took about 6 of them to carry it; they must be much stronger than they look. I am nervous they may not deliver it, though. I have never sent them on errands for me.

Oh, there was just a large bang from downstairs! I'm going to go see what it was. Goodbye, journal!


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5/12/2015 2:49pm

Something wonderful has happened! I've finally received an inquiry about my roommate situation! Unfortunately, I was not in my room when they stopped by, but they left a note. A girl by the name of @JackiePackerman is interested in rooming with me. Isn't that exciting? According to the note, she cannot help me with my amnesia, but is fine with swatting flies.

The more I think about it, though, the more I wonder whether I should be killing the flies at all. While their constant buzzing and whispering is irritating, they have become quite helpful. In the morning, they bring my shoes to me, and they always try to entertain me by singing songs when I sit in the Empty Room. Their voices are quite horrendous, but the sentiment is nice. The bees make a much lovelier choir, but I would never tell the flies that.

Anyway, I wrote a note back to Jackie. It reads:

Thank you for your response to my fliers! I'm sorry I could not be here to meet you. Are you, by any chance, enrolled in Cephalopod Aura Reading? If you would like to speak with me in person, you can find me under the oak tree near the train tracks, in Room 1142, or in Room 1128. I am rarely anywhere else besides these places and class.

Ebony Leary

I sent the flies to deliver it. I was surprised that it only took about 6 of them to carry it; they must be much stronger than they look. I am nervous they may not deliver it, though. I have never sent them on errands for me.

Oh, there was just a large bang from downstairs! I'm going to go see what it was. Goodbye, journal!


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5/10/2015 3:49pm

The longer I spend here, the more I realize that my life can never again be normal. Was it ever normal in the first place? I don't remember. I don't remember anything. I've gotten into the swing of things now, I guess. I do not speak to anyone. A fly always sits on my shoulder wherever I go, and I have learned by now that shooing them away is simply ineffective. They will find me. They always find me.

In my Cephalopod Aura Reading class, there is this girl that sits next to me who I would like to become friends with. I do not know her name, but she seems very familiar to me. Maybe I can talk to her soon. Then again, I don't really talk to anyone. I have received no responses to my roommate posters, so it seems I may go the rest of the year in a room to myself. I like to spend time in the Empty Room down the hall when I have down time. It's nice in there, as long as I bring a fly swatter. I've tried leaving one there so I don't have to bother bringing it, but I always return to see that it's gone. I've lost 7 fly swatters this way.

I also like to spend time down at the train yard. There is a big oak tree near the tracks where I can sit and watch the trains. I don't know why; they never do anything. But I love to just look at them. One afternoon I spent 4 hours watching them without realizing any time had passed at all. I love the trains. There's a boy that I see hanging around there a lot. I'm thinking about talking to him and asking about the trains, maybe he can tell me more about them. Maybe he could be my friend too.

I don't know what to do. I am so lonely here. Surely someone will talk to me soon.

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Roommate Wanted
5/4/2015 6:14pm

My first weekend here went splendidly. I went to the dance, which I'd seen posters around school for, in the hopes of talking to actual people (instead of flies). You would not believe my relief when I heard people talking to each other. I think it might have been my first experience seeing students here conversing and interacting, which leads me to believe that perhaps I was in an alternate reality beforehand. Or perhaps not.

ANYWAY. I had a lot of fun! I still haven't made friends, but I didn't get as many dirty looks for stepping on people's toes as I would have expected. I'm pretty sure I stomped pretty hard on @Jessica Moon's foot by mistake. If I see her again, I'll be sure to apologize. Goodness KNOWS I don't need that party foul hanging over my head.

The bees were buzzing all night, which was lovely. I must say, I do not know who their choral director is, but they have lovely voices. So mature and sonorous! The flies seemed to be quite a bit jealous, though; they would not stop landing on my shoulders and whispering horrid things about the bees to me. The King Fly, or that's what I've been calling him, the one I saw on that first day in the art room, sat in a tree and watched me the whole night. I think he's gotten bigger, about the size of my foot now.

Oh! And today I finally received a room assignment! I still don't have a roommate, however, so this afternoon I put up signs:


In search of roommate
Must be willing to help swat flies when needed
Knowledge of amnesia preferred

Please contact Ebony Leary in Room 1142 for more information.

I really hope to get some responses. I have been terribly lonely here and have not even made a single friend, unless you count the King Fly! And he has not spoken to me since that first meeting.

Oh, Journal, wish me luck. I do not know what I am doing here.


4/29/2015 2:56pm

Apologies regarding my last journal entry. Rereading it, I see it appears very strange, and it raises a few questions.

1) What's up with the talking fly?
2) Was there really a talking fly? Did I imagine it?
3) Does this school even have an art room? (It seems much too mundane for this place. Why did I go to the art room in the first place? Upon reviewing my schedule, it does not appear that I am enrolled in any such class.)

Anyway, I guess I should more properly introduce myself, even if only to my journal. My name is Ebony Leary, as far as I can remember. Some people call me Bunny. As of now, these blank pages are my only friends. Wow, dramatic much? Get a grip, Ebony.

Maybe I should talk about how I came here first. It would be easier if I could remember it. I do not remember much, honestly. Do I have a family? Friends? What am I doing here? If this is truly a school for the psychic, then why am I here? I get the feeling that perhaps I have skills I do not know of. This place seems very familiar. Anyway, all I truly know is that I woke up in a shadowed, empty room. I didn't really wake up. More like.... became aware of my own existence. I hadn't been asleep.

I stood up, opened the door slowly, and peered out. It seemed that I was in a dorm! That would explain the smell of sweat and the damp air. I slept in the empty room that I "woke up" in last night, but I suppose I should find a roommate. When I tried to ask the administration about it yesterday, they told me "There is no room. There is no room. There never will be." Weird, right? Guess I'll stay in the Empty Room for now.

There's not much I know about this place, or myself either. I do know that I have been to a lot of schools growing up. And I did not fit in at a single one. Doubtful that I will fit in here either.

Oh, I have to go. There's a fly buzzing around the Empty Room and it's really annoying. Maybe I can find a fly swatter around here somewhere.

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4/29/2015 1:45pm

I HATE IT HERE. Today was first real day of "classes", if that's what you can call them. I have yet to actually talk to any of the other students. The classes here seem nearly impossible to get to. ihateithere On my map, it looked like it should have taken me about 4 minutes to walk to the art room from the cafeteria. It DID hateit NOT take four minutesihateithere. After about an hour of walking and following the map exactly, I realized exactly how Lhate for class I was and that it would not be ideal for me to make a bad impression on my first day of class. So ihate I startedhere running hatehere. Another ithere 20 minutes LhateR, I finally got there, and no one else was in the room ihateithere except for this mysteriously large black fly hereithateiii perched on hatehereit what IiiI assume was the teachhher's desk. I questioned hateit, and it said:

"Do not worryyyyy, you have not missed classsssss. Go back now. All is welllllll..."

So I turned around and went back, like it said. It was a nice enough fly. It took me about 15 seconds to get back to the cafeteria.

i love it here :)

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4/28/2015 3:45pm

First day here and I'm a little freaked out. Weirdest school I've ever been to.

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