Clint Bromide
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Reality Abroad - 5/23/2021 9:43pmI don’t know who those strange creatures in dark suits were who visited us and gave me tests but I sure did like the lollipop they gave me. Butterscotch bacteria is my favorite! Now it’s time to watch protozoan tv shows before bedtime but sometimes I have trouble falling asleep on Sundays when they are school nights.
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Reality Abroad - 5/1/2021 11:20pmMy Reality Abroad host family is great. They're an upper-class family of protozoa, and I have my own room with a view of the whole colony. After arriving we spun our flagella and swam down to the city park, and they taught me to move food into my cytostome with my cilia. Frankly it was a little gross and I started to feel really ill, but they said that's fine I just wasn't used to their water yet.