Bryhe Noonan

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2/15/2023 1:49pm

When love was gone i found love in bees
When the forest was gone i made trees out of trees.

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Valentine's Day Ritual Dance
2/14/2023 2:49pm

The dance was great! thankyou to everyone involved with setting it up and executing it! Couldn't have been more perfect.

2/13/2023 2:06pm

My 14-syllable student mantra still hasn't come to me yet! Is there a way i can set a new one for myself that is vacant?

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2/13/2023 12:24am

Dreamy Fluffballs...
In my dreams lately i have been having these fluffy creatures, like fizzgigs, come and try to suffocate me! I tried doing the age old trick of eating only cucumbers and butter for 5 weeks to get rid of these night terrors but they just wont go away!

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2/12/2023 2:15am

My Mipi Ciuhu is the cutest when hes not eating our smoke detectors... the rusty, crap covered batteries around the house don't make the best centerpiece at dinner...

2/12/2023 2:02am

My Mipi, Ciuhu, has been rapidly dismantling and ingesting all the smoke detectors in the house! He is a naughty boy. After the act, he craps out the batteries! What can i do to stop this?

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Children's Circle
2/12/2023 1:45am

I remember my first day at the Aussie Childrens Circle... one of my classmates was an interdimensional cloud of smoke.

2/12/2023 1:00am

Essay will be on Mushrooms and their properties.

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2/12/2023 12:08am


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2/12/2023 12:05am

biblical accuracy.

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