Bel Miracle

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Welcome to PsyHigh
2/14/2015 5:51pm

Hello! I'm Bel. Try to look past the stripper name to the mediocre soul shining from within.

This'll be my first entry here. Happy Valentine's day to whoever sees (or, well, otherwise perceives) this.

It's pretty great to be enrolling here, although I'm not positive I had linear reasoning in doing so. "seems legit" is honestly the basis for most of my decision making lately.

Anyway, I haven't had much of a look around just yet. Anything special I should know about PHS?

Welcome to PsyHigh
2/16/2015 7:33pm

The pleasure's all mine, @HannahLalonde. If you don't mind my saying, those words sound pretty carefully chosen. Perhaps you're trying to tell me something important and we simply speak different "languages". I wouldn't be surprised.

To answer your question, I applied here as soon as I could having learned I wasn't a defective person after all. When hearing aids did nothing for me and therapy only confused me further, I realized the things I hear exist on some sort of spectrum not unlike light and other waves.

Unfortunately, the sort of thing I'd hear wasn't exactly a weather report. I won't bore you with the details.

I have seen @Jade's logs around; I found them very well written. Sentient plants are an honorable pursuit when the garden variety doesn't always have much to say. I'm sure I'll like it here.

3/2/2015 8:06pm

The first lesson was not to pull all nighters at this kind of school.

The second was not to do so before a conjuring attempt.

I think I saw a face take shape before the static hit me, but that was as successful as I can say I was. I'll try to come by motivation the honest way in the future. Sorry for disappearing for a while.

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