campus confusion

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Corlin Fardal
- 3/8/2015 4:16pm

I don't know what to do

Bertrand P
- 3/8/2015 5:01pm

I think a lot of students have that problem, @Corlin Fardal. Between the intelligent whisp creatures that have almost taken over the garden, to the time distortions in the dorms today, to the invisible cat craze that's going around, it can be hard to know what to do on campus - besides finishing your homework!

What I have found helpful (for me) is doing Esoteric Doll Yoga with my specially prepared Barbie and action figure set. With them, I'm able to create viable microcultures to both explain and influence what us going on.

You should try it out!



Jacob Cassius
- 9/15/2021 8:32am

what fire related activities are in this school?

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