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- 8/30/2015 11:04am

Umbrakinesis log -- 2

BLAGGHH!! So! As it turns out shadows can be quite sticky! Who knew, riiiiight? Seriously though if someone else knew WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME! Now it's all over my room and my uniform! Hopefully i can clean all of this nasty junk up before it's too late! But at least they'll make neat halloween decorations!

Shadows are so beautiful though, right?? It's an ever changing place where light can't penetrate for a certain amount of time. The more light sources the more shadows, they're always in balance!! It's like a WONDERFUL STORY!

Anywho, it's time to clean this mess up now! Bye-bye!

Gail Morgen
- 8/30/2015 4:31pm

Oh, Mother had a great way to get shadows out of fabrics. She used to mix baking soda, dish soap, detergent, and the blood of the unborn, rub that into the stuff, and then toss it into the washing machine (on cold) Hope that helps!

- 9/1/2015 1:04pm

Umbrakinesis log -- 4

HURRAY! Big big BIG shout out to @Gail Morgen!!! their anti-shadow concoction for clothes works a DIVINE TREAT! If i see you expect a great big hug!!! And if you're not comfortable with that then a whole boat load of ENTHUSIASTIC SMILES!!!! Now i can explode and mess around with these fantastic little dark spaces as much as i please!

Speaking of which, shadow art has just gotten a whole lot easier! So you can expect to see me doodling around with this! Heehee!!!

But for now i think it's also time for a short break from these shadow shenanigans to i can focus more on my other passion. And if you guessed a certain group of Outer Gods and Great Old Ones as my passion then you guessed one hundred and five percent CORRECTLY!

c-stell'bsna r'luh !! -- Blach

- 10/11/2015 10:59am

You are interested in shadow art? If so, you should join my dark spells class. We meet in the Todmorden Hall. I should hope to see you there sometime!
Shadows are very fun to doodle with, maybe I'll teach a class on that.

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