Lost Rommie

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Lia Bezos
- 3/4/2022 9:11am

how am i free?
feels like forever since i have breathed.

- 3/4/2022 9:19am

Would ya just stop talking in riddles and just tell me where the heck you are? I am heading toward the creek but I see a fence around it. I'll have to find another way in.
Okay. I'm here. The fence is too high to jump. And I can't climb it or I might fall and get hurt. then I'll never reach Lia. Wait...What's this? A hole in the ground. I can go under the fence with this and I can--WOAH

It's so dark. I think I underestimated how deep the hole was. Where am I? Oh no. No No No No NO. I can't get up. It's too steep to climb. The only other option I have is to explore. Lia? Are you in here?

L i a ?

Lia Bezos
- 3/4/2022 9:22am

Just got out. But then I heard someone coming, hid behind the big tree, and guess what? it was @Dia. She fell down the hole, and now I have to go back down there. Ugh, I don't wanna!

I just hope I can find her before he does.

- 3/4/2022 9:29am

Hello? Lia? Where are you? Are you in here? But then. A voice. Deep. Sorta scratchy. "Lia's not in here but I am." Huh? That was 100% Not Lia. So then who was it? Oh, I hate this so much. But alas, My curiosity got the better of me and I went deeper into the tunnel. It was dark. But I had my Phone light to guide me. I stumbled into a..what is this? A cave? Lia said she was in a cave, so this might be the right place. But then I froze. My phone was knocked out of my hand and I was pulled to a surgery table.

I don't know what's happening to me. It's painful and scary. But where's Lia? Is she oka-

Lia Bezos
- 3/4/2022 9:29am

I've been down here too long. He'll find me soon, I know that. I have to resurface. But what if she wanders deeper while I am gone? What if he finds her?
What if he's already found her?
No, no, that wouldn't be possible. Dia's pretty stealthy. She'll know she has to keep quiet while she searches. She's fine. He hasn't found her yet.


Lia Bezos
- 3/4/2022 9:35am

Alright. I'm about to pass the border. Just know that-

It sucked me in
A swirling vortex
Now I speak like I don't know where my brain is
They changed the color of the glowworms
Before yellow
Now red
I hope he's not mad.
Just remember to listen to the walls,
Young one.

- 3/4/2022 10:12am

Supposed to be a hole
Stuck scared underground
I might be here till' I lay on my grave
he says I won't if I behave.
I cant move
I'm scared.
please find me.

I might die soon

Lia Bezos
- 3/4/2022 10:13am

I call through halls
"where are you! where are you!"
My search is fruitless
I will be caught soon
I won't be able to escape
The endless night.

- 3/7/2022 8:12am

But then quiet.
Loud again.
Help free me from him.

- 3/7/2022 8:12am

But then quiet.
Loud again.
Help free me from him.

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