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- 6/23/2017 9:04pm

Hello. My name is Vizun, as I'm sure you know. I came here to, not only see if this is real, but to awaken my natural powers. I can sence energy here so far, and see sometimes with my third eye. These symbols you guys have are pretty...Vibrant. Considering the reality I choose to live in, believe in, I ask for reassurance on this site not being ran by the government, or Illumaniti, although the picture with the Navy officer brings that story to a probability. If anyone would like to contact me, please do, for I am new to this site.

Big Jim
- 6/24/2017 7:29pm

During the application process, many students stop and ask me "Hey Big Jim? Psyhigh isn't run by the government, or the Illumaniti, or @GROTTO G.S.M. INC., or Yum! Brands, or something like that, is it?"

And I tell them I remember when I was just a little sprout, growing up like @Silverfawn on a greenhouse on Mars, and I said "Well, how did I get here?"

Certainly, it would seem that the accumulation of capital necessary to sustain the advanced recreational facilities, full body wi-fi, and up-to-date text books that Psyhigh enjoys would necessitate the involvement of some shadowy organization with connections deep into the monetary systems of not only this planet but a fair number of adjoining realities as well. Especially in light of Psyhigh's generous scholarship and "free lunch" program.

And what I tell these fine, young minds is that it's YOU, the students of Psyhigh, that make Psyhigh what it is, and it's your dreams and aspirations that power our school. We do this through advanced technology from the future that is buried deep underneath the administration building, in the same caverns that house the Spongiform Unimind.


Big Jim
Student Activities Coordinator
Class of '99

- 6/24/2017 9:58pm

Hello again. My mind has been somewhat troubled by the possibility of this school existing. I would personally be excited to see it. If someone could show me (atleast the way to) the school, I would be grateful.

And Big Jim, if by "powered by us", would you happen to mean powered by thought, so to speak? I've heard of spaceships being controlled by putting your hand on a screen and thinking about your destination, so it could be very likely possible.

And would anyone happen to know about (as many humans call it) The Ascension? I was wondering if it was revelent to you guys in any way.

I thank you for your time spent reading this. Until next time.

Big Jim
- 6/25/2017 11:35pm


All students will be pleased to hear that the Mind Ships, controlled by putting your hand on a screen and thinking about your destination, are now open for free student check-out. Put your name on the list at the Boat House and they will reserve a time for you.

And while I prefer to keep my medical history private, @Vizun, I will say that I did undergo The Ascension and that the operation was a success.


Big Jim
Student Activities Coordinator
Class of '99

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