Assorted Candies

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- 3/24/2015 7:36pm

suck my ass

i am the champ
- 3/24/2015 11:31pm

Suck my ass...orted candies (I believe @MiranDa was about to say) and support the APSA!

The Active Psychic Student Alliance fund raiser is happening NOW! Even if you're not active, you can get your mouth active and support the APSA at the same time. Flavors include Prickly Pear, Angst, Samoan Pickle, Root Beer, Chocolate Frosting, Asinine, Zip Lock, Cherry, and Wizard, and may induce vomiting, nausea, time dilation, friend disturbance, burps, remorse, regret, stubbed toes, nose bleed, lycanthropy, and/or dizziness.

Find us (well, me) at the card table near the entrance to the cafeteria right after lunch. Buy your sack of assorted candies - and suck on em all afternoon!

And support the APSA! Because some kids just *have* to be ACTIVE!


The Champ
President of the Active Psychic Student Alliance (APSA)

- 3/31/2015 12:28am


i am the champ
- 3/31/2015 7:45am

Suck my assorted CANDies (as @Colton was saying), as the APSA fundraiser continues at the card table near the entrance to the cafeteria.

Flavors available this week include Mozuku, Old Tabi, Grandma's Obi, Konnyaku, Natto, Diakon, Yamakake, Cheese, and Pepperoni, and may cause temporary blindness, euphoria, terror, sweating, dry mouth, existentialism, nihilism, contemplation, and Satori.

Show your support for the APSA! Because some kids just *have* to be ACTIVE!


The Champ
President of the Active Psychic Student Alliance (APSA)

- 5/17/2015 5:49am

Hi. This website sucksss

i am the champ
- 5/17/2015 10:19pm

This website sucksss... assorted candies! THAT's what @Jenny was about to say.

And not just the site - the WHOLE SCHOOL sucks assorted candies - when it's an APSA fund drive! That's the sign that @cindy must have seen - the APSA Assorted Candies Fund Raiser sign. (I drew it by hand! Isn't it neat?)

All this week you'll find our table near the entrance of the cafeteria, offering affordable, assorted candies for you to purchase for you and your friends. Be generous! Flavors this week include Jerk, Toledo, Happenstance, Old Trucker, Freedom's Sting, Mastication, Reverberation, Teenage Nation, and Mustard, and may cause sleep disturbances, god-like ideation, fluid retention, fluid release, fluid fluidity, nudity, scampering, whimpering, and lip synching.

So come on down to the cafeteria and suck - and do your part to support the APSA! Because some kids just *have* to be ACTIVE!


The Champ
President of the Active Psychic Student Alliance (APSA)

- 5/19/2015 8:58am

Yay, candies

- 5/23/2015 7:39am

@i am the champ I noticed that at one point you had frosting flavored candies, do you happen to have any sprinkle flavored? Or just sprinkles?

i am the champ
- 5/23/2015 5:46pm

Hello @Nobody,

Thanks for your interest in APSA Assorted Fund Drive Candies!

I'm afraid that was a misprint - that particular flavor wasn't "Frosting" but "Frothing." Similarly, while we don't have "Sprinkles" as as flavor, we do have "Shingles," as well as Hives, Chives, Chancres, Onion, Psoriasis Cheesecake, Cheesesteak, Beefsteak, Sorrel, and Lime.

Since it's a weekend, our table in the cafeteria isn't open, but I'd be happy to meet you at the APSA HQ office anytime and open up the biohazard vault and get you whatever you need! No minimum order!

So tell your friends, and get everybody out to support the APSA. Because some kids just *have* to be ACTIVE!


The Champ
President of the Active Psychic Student Alliance (APSA)

- 6/10/2015 2:02am

This is my first journal entry. Psyhigh sounds like a load of steaming cow shit, but what the hey.

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