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1/24/2021 10:35am

Heya, I am back but only for a sec, cause I saw how u all were worried

Add a journal entry to PHS Bus

10/20/2020 6:00pm

ok @rinonene I am about 5'3 and I have blue hair. I have a red backpack next to me, and I am towards the back of the bus. now please explain how you understood my last message.

10/19/2020 5:56pm

I don't know where I am. Can someone help me?
let me explain. I was walking on my merry way, getting home after a long day communing with my inner identities, and suddenly I was on a bus. It had the letters
"PHS" written on the side. I looked around and saw other people, about my age sitting on the bus. I am currently still on this bus, and I don't know why, or where I am. Or how I am even broadcasting this.