Shane McShane

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Psychic Valentines
2/23/2019 12:45pm

Sentient Bio-hazard Cleanup Division
Montgomery Research Hospital

Well we tracked Trevor into the woods--our mutated bio-hounds had no problem following his spore. Turns out there's a lot of fairy dust in is trail too and it had the hounds sneezing and changing color the whole way.

Trevor's held up in a copse with no retreat, and, after conferring with HQ, looks like we've got to incinerate. We're waiting on the thermite and the the FLASH launchers while we keep tabs on ol' Trevor.

Don't forget we've got original Trevor back at the hospital, safe and sound in his room, held in shape by the chickenwire suit. Consider this big green ball of moss with legs just like Trevor's hair or fingernails. If he had hair or fingernails. And hair and fingernails had their own sense of individuality and feelings. Or said they did, at least.

The team's real happy though. We prefer a real hunt!

Psychic Valentines
2/19/2019 6:17pm

Montgomery Research Hospital
Sentient Bio-hazard Cleanup Division

I’m Shane McShane, and I’ve got a cane, and I’ll hit you kids with it if you get in my way!

You’ll find us at the gym for the next few days, in our white suits, extracting Trevor. You really shouldn’t let things like him run wild like that. Or let it get infested with FRFs like that (Fairy Ring Fungus). That adds a whole new dimension to things, if you get my drift.

Trevor has wound himself into a big ball there in the center of the gym. We figure he’s rolled up the gazebo and the PA system and anything else you had in there. So we’ll need to take out the south wall of the gym to get him loaded up onto the flatbed.

As for the missing students, well, I don’t know what to tell ya. We’re not getting any human or quasi-humanoid life readings inside of Trevor except Trevor himself. But we’ll let you know if we find a shoe or something.

There’s a reason we keep the residents of the Montgomery Research Hospital locked up and that’s because they’re dangerous. And because they haven’t paid their bills. Most insurance doesn’t cover this level of mutation and really it’s in their best interest. And yours. Usually when something gets out of there’s a lot more general terror and danger and we’ve got to set up traps which are equally dangerous to both the escapee and locals. Trevor is an easy one. You kids got it easy!

Just STAY AWAY and we'll get this job done in no time.