Big promotion today. The stable master liked my work -- said I was the best Ice Worm manure shoveler they'd seen for awhile, and I get to accompany the wrangler out to visit the hunting blinds tomorrow! Does this mean a raise?
Maybe this is actually worse than working for @
Janitor Pete. I got stuck with cleaning out the stables of the Ice Worms, which is what the guests ride when they go out hunting. I have to wear an insulated EVA suit, but when I shovel out the Ice Worm poop it still steams. And wriggles a little.
I did get to see a hunting party returning to the lodge though. There were 4 guests and the wrangler, all in EVA suits so I couldn't get a good look at them, but they were pulling a big animal behind them that looked like a giraffe with tusks. It was huge! But also kind of sad to see it dead like that with its long snakey neck and big tusky head dragging through the ice and dust.
Hi @
Lois Andrada I don't know if you know me but I was in your 8th period Non-combinatory Relationships class? Anyway I'm stuck on campus for the summer and this sounds better than working for @
Janitor Pete so I'm applying too thanks for the tip.