Driving down main street in stolen cars. But do they really count as stolen if their owners don't exist in this reality?
And not just "driving" but "learning to drive." Smashing into parked cars like it's no big deal. We're all half drunk anyway.
We've been through every store in town at least twice now. Taken all the coolest clothes that fit, drones and RC cars to play with, tactical wear, Juuls. Some kids raided the gun store but Jay and his crew don't go in for that. Warned them against it, even. We've got the whole world to ourselves, and everything in it ours for the taking, but the one thing we don't have is doctors.
We can hear them firing off their shotguns at traffic lights and shop windows.
Still plenty of frozen food left in the stores, and boxed mac and cheese and Rice A Roni, but the selection is getting a little boring. Can't use anything that needs milk, since all the milk left in the world spoiled a long time ago. And the grocery stores are really starting to stink as all the meat and produce rots.
It's pretty hard to get over, not seeing anybody else in the world. You still expect to see people walking down the sidewalk, or driving around a corner.
Like the other day, I looked up the street and could have sworn I saw Professor Branigan coming out of a building. You know her -- there were the MISSING signs for her all over campus? The one who canceled the class and caused @
GROTTO G.S.M. INC. the big scandal? I shouted and ran up the street but there was nobody there. Maybe I'm just homesick.
It's been six weeks since Ol' Dirty Walnut (Floating Amphitheater #3) jumped the rails and landed us in this sidetrack universe. And I mean that literally--as near as we can figure it's a parallel universe to our own, with all the same stuff in it, just empty of people. Well, empty of all people except me and the 39 other souls who happened to be on the Walnut when we slipped through. It's like everybody else in the whole world disappeared.
If you ask me, it's a dream come true, really. No parents, no teachers. and the whole world is ours for the taking. We've spread out in the town, mostly in little groups of the friends we've made, moving into the nicest houses we can find. Swimming pools, the nicest cars... I'm moved in with Jay and his crew--the older kids who aren't afraid to party a little. Still plenty of frozen pizzas and burritos at the Hypermart. It's like a dream come true.
Best of all -- NO HOMEWORK!!!!
I mean, it's like the whole world's a ghost town. But who liked all those people anyway?
The first sign something went wrong on Ol Dirty Walnut (Floating Amphitheater #3) is when we noticed the school grounds were empty. It's like everybody evacuated all at once. So we cruised over to town and it was empty too. Nobody anywhere. All the streets and parks and grocery stores -- empty.
And the streets weren't strewn with cars either which is weird because if there was some kind of rapture wouldn’t there be cars wrecking everywhere and airplanes crashing and power plants burning and stuff like that?
We started by raiding 7-11s’s and staying in the nicest rooms in the hotel. Lately we’ve been at one of the nice houses on the lake (with a pool) and partying. No internet but they have a blue ray and even a bunch of VHS tapes.
I wonder what we're going to do when winter comes.