Jeremiah T

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Spirit Building Challenge
1/16/2025 10:36pm

We really shouldn't go naming our Spirit. My grandpa said that giving them names is part of what makes them act up. Who are we to be giving the Spirits names? We can barely speak their language. It's no wonder it makes them uptight when you give them names because next thing they know you're ordering 'em around like they're some kind of genie. And that don't end well.

Grandpa said spirits ain't pets. Or domesticated in any way. It's more like just making space for the stray cats in your neighborhood. Or the skunks, or the Owl, or the crows. Maybe put a bit of food out for them now and then but it's more like you just have an understanding. You ain't the boss of them.

Spirit Building Challenge
12/26/2024 9:33pm

My grandpa said what you do in a situation like this is build a spirit trap.

One, it's got to be a trap the spirit finds irresistible. And second, it's got to be a trap the spirit can get in and out of easily. Because if you make it a trap the spirit can't get out of, then it's never going to go in there in the first place. Because spirits are smarter than that.

So I took that old rocking chair from psychic home economics and put it inside a big refrigerator box. Then I made sure it had lots of comfy pillows and was stuffed with straw, and hung tapestries around inside and some christmas lights. Then I tucked it back by the dumpsters behind the cafeteria and now we just have to be patient. Or move it to other places you think the lost spirit might frequent but suppose it was the night the spirit was going to come to the place you already had it and then you moved it someplace else? You can't out-think a spirit.

Spirit Building Challenge
12/8/2024 11:12pm

My grandpa said that when he was my age they used to build their own Spirit using just airplane glue and a paper sack.

I don't know what airplane glue is but my mom says I shouldn't listen to grandpa and that I wouldn't want to turn out like him.